Open Thinkering


Month: June 2010

Are we doing young people a disservice?

Are we abdicating our responsibility when ‘student voice’ dictates what we do rather than how we do it?

Isn’t it unreasonable to expect the majority of those who are not yet adults to make significant contributions to the world’s knowledge?
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Why do we use technology?

Disappointingly, but not wholly unexpectedly, England’s football team were knocked out of the 2010 World Cup by Germany at the weekend. Despite being beaten by a margin of three goals, loyal fans nevertheless bemoaned the fact that the referee made an erroneous decision by failing to notice that the ball had crossed Germany’s goal line.
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5 steps to making other people more productive.

It’s all very well making a commitment to your own personal productivity, but if your workflow depends on other people you need them to be productive too!

Here’s some suggestions for prompting other people to up their game* that I’ve used to good effect in various workplaces. 🙂
Continue reading “5 steps to making other people more productive.”
