If I wrote a book, would you buy it?
I’ve been using the excellent What Would Seth Godin Do? plugin for WordPress (which powers this blog) for a while now. It’s a great way to get a message across to readers, differentiated for new and return visitors. New visitors to this blog get a message giving them information on how to subscribe and/or get in contact with me.
Return visitors, on the other hand, get a different message. Recently, I’ve been asking for feedback on the question posed in the title of this post, namely: If I wrote a book, would you buy it? The answers are in the above graph. Interestingly, no-one responded that the price was an issue, nor did anyone state that they would buy anything that I wrote.
Good. That’s as it should be. 🙂
There’s enough people, I reckon, interested in buying something that I write that’s education-related for it to be a worthwhile proposition. I’ve got an interesting publishing model and pricing structure in mind. Subscribe so you don’t miss a post – I’ll be revealing more soon!
PS For those interested in what those ‘other’ answers were, they mainly wanted to know more about the subject before they would decide either way!
Get writing and stop asking is what I say (and exactly what I put in the webform)! :)
Don’t spread yourself too thinly
I appreciate your concern, but writing is what I think I do best.
Also, the publishing model I’m thinking of would give me time to get
it done on my own terms. :-)