Open Thinkering


Month: June 2007

Facebook vs. MySpace

BBC News reports on an interesting study showing class divides on two of the most popular social networking sites. Teenagers on Facebook are more likely to go to university than their MySpace counterparts. This is probably due to the origin of the sites: Facebook was originally solely for university students, whereas MySpace has grown up around music. I’m on Facebook and it’s pretty much solely those who I know who have been to university who are on there…

Death by Powerpoint

Death by Powerpoint

Powerpoint is, or at least can be, a wonderful tool. I use it all the time in my teaching. However, it seems to bring out the worst in people. I’m sure I’m not the only person to have physically cringed when those-who-should-know-better have thrown up a slide and then proceeded to just read from the screen. I can read, thank you very much. Erm, yeah… I learned to read when I was about 3, thanks… Continue reading “Death by Powerpoint”
