Open Thinkering


Month: February 2007

1 million OLPC laptops already on order!

Slashdot reports that 1 million laptops have been ordered through the One Laptop Per Child programme. At present they cost around $130, but with the expected 5-10 million to be sold this year, this could move closer towards the $100 target price. It’s great that they’re aimed towards the 3rd world, but I can’t help but think they’d be great in my classroom too!

Macbook vs. my new laptop? No contest…

Apple vs. Acer logo 2

After being properly messed about by the Apple Store in Meadowhall, Sheffield and having received an extremely flaky Macbook that I had to take back 5 times, I’ve decided enough is enough. As soon as I get my replacement Macbook I’ll be selling it on eBay. Continue reading “Macbook vs. my new laptop? No contest…”
