Open Thinkering


Tag: Mindset

Setting Sail with Digital Literacies: Preparing Students for the Evolving Digital Landscape

Note: cross-posted at LinkedIn

Boat sailing on sea with clouds and stars in the distance

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, including the current moral panic around AI, it’s becoming increasingly important for educators to not only embrace technology but to actively integrate it into the learning experience. The concept of digital literacies, often mistaken as a mere proficiency in using digital tools, is in fact a multifaceted construct that extends far beyond basic technological skills.

Digital literacies are made up of skillsets, but also mindsets—ways of thinking about the world.

As educators, we must recognise that digital literacies encompass a wide range of abilities, including confidence, creativity, and communication. These skills empower learners to navigate the digital world responsibly, ethically, and with a sense of curiosity. In order to foster a generation of digitally-literate citizens, we must embrace a more holistic approach to teaching and learning.

Imagine the digital world as a vast, interconnected ocean. Digital literacies are the sails, rudder, and compass that guide our learners as they embark on their digital voyage. Without these essential tools, they would drift aimlessly, lost in the overwhelming waves of information.

To achieve this, we can start by incorporating digital literacies across the curriculum, encouraging students to explore, analyse, and create digital content in a meaningful way. We must also emphasise the importance of digital citizenship, teaching learners to respect the online community, engage in healthy online behaviours, and uphold the values of privacy and security.

By nurturing a culture of digital literacies, we are not only preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital world but also equipping them with the skills to thrive in an ever-changing, interconnected society. Through collaborative efforts and open-mindedness, we can reshape the educational landscape and cultivate a future that embraces the true potential of digital technology.

Remember, digital literacies are not just about using technology – they’re about understanding, adapting, and effectively engaging with the digital world around us. It’s time we take the necessary steps to ensure our learners are prepared for whatever the future holds, setting sail with confidence on their journey through the boundless digital ocean.

Image by Johannes Plenio

Carol Dweck on ‘growth mindsets’ and motivation.

Last week I attended the Scottish Learning Festival. I was there for two reasons: an official reason (for which the Academy kindly paid my expenses) and an unofficial one. The latter I’ve already blogged about in the form of My Google Apps Education Edition ‘nano presentation’ at TeachMeetSLF09 but the former has taken a little longer to put together… :-p

A few weeks ago our Executive Principal introduced the Teaching & Learning team to Carol Dweck’s ‘mindset’ theory of motivation. I wanted to find out more and was informed (via Twitter) that she was keynoting SLF09. Spying an opportunity, I asked for (and was granted) permission to attend – on the proviso that I produced some type of ‘video podcast’ to inform staff of what I’ve learned.

The 8-minute video at the top of this post is a sneak peek at what I’ll be distributing to colleagues at the Academy this week. I’d very much welcome your feedback! 😀

(Dweck’s book Mindset: the new psychology of motivation can be found at Amazon and, as they say, ‘all good bookshops – and probably some average ones’….)

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