Open Thinkering


Tag: work

Weeknote 22/2024

Panoramic photo of St James Park, Newcastle, before the England Women's game vs France

Imagine one of those old-school snowglobes. You know, the ones you shake and the resulting intense snowstorm settles over a twee scene. Now imagine that happening inside your head six times over the last couple of weeks, coupled with intense aversion to screens and other people.

Yeah, it hasn’t been fun. I’ve only had migraines this bad once or twice before in my life, and in both cases I was extremely stressed from work. Go, as they say, figure ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ 

On Friday night, we watched the England Lionesses’ game vs France at St James Park, Newcastle. I took the above photo 1.5 hours before kick-off, because my wife insists on getting to this kind of thing super-early. Once everyone filed in, it was a great atmosphere and almost sold-out.

It was a shame they lost 2-1 after throwing away an early lead. I semi-seriously think our 13 year-old daughter with her 60+ goals this season could have finished some of the chances spurned by the England forwards. Who knows, maybe one day she’ll get the chance to prove me right.

This evening we’re back at St James Park for our son’s club’s awards ceremony. His current team is disbanding, but he has one more year of junior football left (U18) so he’s joining a local team. I think that’s a good decision because, although he can definitely ‘body’ me off the ball easily, men’s football can be pretty brutal. Plus, he gets to play with his mates before (probably) heading off to university next year.

Guess what? We’ll be at St James Park again on Monday night for the England men’s game vs Bosnia & Herzegovina. Unlike the women’s game, which was a Euros qualifier, this one is a friendly. Still, it will be good to see them in action.

With Monday being a Bank Holiday, Thursday being a complete wipeout due to the worst of my migraines, and my our two being on half-term, I haven’t done much actual paid work. In any case, WAO hasn’t got that much on other than our collaboration with MIT DCC. I did manage to get study done for my MSc in Systems Thinking by going over to my parents’ house on Friday morning, but I’m still behind so have already asked for an extension to my first assessment.

The thing which is absolutely doing my head in at the moment is having my temporary home office in the utility room of our new place. It’s between the kitchen and garage, and the washing machine, tumble dryer, and fridge/freezer is in here. Cue family members just popping in to get something to the fridge, or putting their head round the door while getting something to eat/drink.

There’s still lots of things to get done to this house. The painting is largely done, although the perfectionist in me wants to white gloss all of the skirting boards and radiators. We’ve moved on to getting venetian blinds for the windows at the front to replace the pull-down ones which aren’t much use.

After that, we need to prioritise a bunch of things including extending at the back to create a new kitchen which could include my office. But equally we could convert part of the garage, extend over the garage, or invest in a garden pod. The latter may or not be a good idea given the amount of clay in our back garden; I don’t want to come back into the house like I took a detour via the Battle of the Somme.

Next weekend, my wife and daughter are heading to Barcelona for a football tournament. My son and I aren’t going because we didn’t know the dates of his exams at the time when the flights and accommodation needed to be booked. In the event, he’s actually already finished his exams, but we can do our own thing while they’re away. I definitely want to go and see Furiosa if it’s still showing at the cinema.

In a parallel universe, I’d be going to the PublicSpaces conference in Amsterdam, watching my daughter’s team in Barcelona, and then heading back to Amsterdam for MozFest House. Ah well.

Weeknote 21/2024

Oh I don’t know, I did a bit of work but not enough, caught up on MSc study, and had three migraines. It’s weird, isn’t it, how Bank Holidays feel like part of the previous week?

Totally padding out the rest of this with posts I’ve written elsewhere:

WAO blog

Thought Shrapnel

Weeknote 20/2024

A presenter at a conference with an abstract presentation slide behind him, featuring the text "Even if it is, hand-waving tech bros won't save us", surrounded by large, colorful suspended orbs in a dimly lit room with a starry background.

I’m so glad I picked up a ticket for The Thinking Digital conference! It really was excellent, and the vibe was almost the exact opposite to that of 2022 which had left me so cold. As Heraclitus said, we can’t step into the same river twice. Not only does it change, but also we change.

Speaking of philosophy, the first talk at the conference was from Tom Chatfield, thinker and author, and a contributor to one of my favourite magazines, New Philosopher. He’s pictured above, and although some people I spoke to afterwards said they struggled with the lack of concrete takeaways, the point of philosophy is to provoke thought. I appreciated his three points:

  1. We’re entering a world of infinite, instant answers (but we still need to decide which questions are worth asking
  2. Some things are all about final destinations (but plenty are also about taking part
  3. We are nothing like Artificial Intelligence (and it’s nothing like us) (and that’s okay)

There were also sessions on origami and how it relates to engineering, the importance of storytelling in science communication, the history of the competition between OpenAI and Deepmind, the story behind the ‘Unsilence the Crowd‘ tactile Newcastle United shirts, and more.

I went to the pre-conference workshop run by Chris Thompson and Fay Cooper from Northumberland County Council, and met lots of interesting people, who I continued to talk with along with others, old and new, during the conference itself. The conference dinner was great, as were the other social occasions. An absolute triumph and I’ll definitely be back again next year!

Other than that, I’ve been trying to squeeze in work for WAO and on my MSc module. We haven’t got loads on client-wise, and I’m a bit behind on my studying. Laura and Anne were away, cycling in Ireland, so I caught up with John a bit, and did some work on our DCC project, as well as some bizdev.

Our daughter had two football presentations in the past week. The first was for the league winners at a hotel in Newcastle, and the second was Whitley Bay Sporting Club’s. Their goal difference after 20 games in the league was +164 and they were playing a year up. I think that tells you pretty much everything you need to know. I think this is the first season she hasn’t won either manager’s player or player’s player, but to be honest they’re all superstars.

Our son has had exams this week and has, by the sound of it, absolutely smashed them. I marked his practice exam papers and he was getting 90% on them for both Sport and Maths, so he’s doing really well. His seasons for basketball and football have finished now, so I’ve been threatening him with pre-season training 😉

What else? I got my postal vote sorted out after the Head of Elections at Northumberland County Council reached out to me personally, and oversaw everything to ensure that I’m registered to vote by post for the General Election. I think there must have been a mix-up because I moved twice within six months.

I published a few things at Thought Shrapnel, as well as an overview of Season 9 of The Tao of WAO. Matt Jukes started a new blog about bloggers and put a shout out for contributions. I filled in his form, and my response is now live on the site.

On Friday afternoon I went along to Dave Grey’s School of the Possible campfire which was a fantastic experience. I’ve known of Dave for over 15 years through his company (which he’s now sold) called XPLANE. He’s a great facilitator, and I met and talked with some really interesting people. The calls are free to attend, and he’s building an “experimental learning community, focused on exploring the adjacent possible.” I’m definitely going to return and perhaps even upgrade to get more access.

Finally, I’ve been painting. We’ve now lived in our new place a month and the downstairs is almost done. There’s a couple more walls to do, and of course our teenagers’ bedrooms were done first of all. I’ve put a lot of paint on walls over the past few weeks! There’s so much to do when you move house; I think we’ll still be sorting things out over the summer. And then, once that’s done, we need to decide what work we’re going to do to the house, because my office is not staying in the utility room long-term…

Next week, Laura and Anne will be back on Tuesday after the public holiday in Germany. I’m looking forward to doing some co-working. I’ve got a couple of calls with interesting people, as I did last week. (A reminder that you can book an online ‘coffee’ session with me if you fancy a chat about, well, anything really!
