Open Thinkering


Tag: podcast

EdTechRoundup 3 featuring Yours Truly

EdTechRoundupI’m delighted to announce that (eventually!) EdTechRoundup Podcast Episode 3 is now available for your listening pleasure. It’s around 33 minutes long and is centered around a conversation about the merits of blogs vs. wikis I had with Kristian Still.

The quality music inbetween sections is taken from the first few seconds of Justice’s One Minute To Midnight. 😀

Don’t miss Stephen Fry’s blog and podcast

PodgramsIf you haven’t come across Stephen Fry’s blog, your really should pay it a visit. Yes, that’s he of Jeeves & Wooster and QI fame.

Not only does he, rather surprisingly, have a passion for all things geek-like (see this post on Linux and the Asus eee for example) but he’s now doing podcasts – or Podgrams as he calls them… 😀

Ken Robinson on creativity v2

As Dave Stacey has already said, I think by now every educator worth his or her salt has seen the excellent TED Talks video where Sir Ken Robinson talks about creativity. If not, click here post haste and watch it!

Sir Ken recently agreed to be interviewed by the pupil-powered Radiowaves about creativity in education. It’s certainly worth watching/listening to:
