Open Thinkering


Tag: OKCon

Weeknote 38/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Travelling to and from Geneva for OKCon (Monday – Wednesday) where I moderated a panel session on Open Education. I haven’t written it up yet but here’s some photos.
  • Networking and otherwise finding out the awesome stuff that people are doing in the Open Data community – e.g. Knownodes.
  • Wrangling the Web Literacy Standard towards a v1.0 to be ratified at the community call on Monday.
  • Attending lots of meetings about various exciting things like Open Badges in Scotland and a new, cross-Mozilla Foundation group called LOLCAT.
  • Replying to lots of email.

That’s about it really, but it’s taken up all my time! Next week I’ll be in Glasgow on Wednesday and Thursday for the Scottish Learning Festival.
