Open Thinkering


Tag: ebook

‘The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies’ is now £1.99!

The Essential Elements of Digital LiteraciesUpdate: if you’re looking for the latest version, it’s here (and now FREE!)

I’m delighted to announce that today, in line with my pricing strategy, I’ve reduced The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies to £1.99. The code gimme10 still works, giving you an extra 10% off!

Around 750 people have now purchased the book, including those that invested while I was writing it through the OpenBeta process I devised.

If you decide to go ahead and buy the book at this price point, be assured I won’t be reducing the book again for another six months.

‘The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies’ is now £3.99!

The Essential Elements of Digital LiteraciesI’m pleased to announce that today, in line with my pricing strategy, I’ve reduced The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies to £3.99! The code gimme10 still works, giving you an extra 10% off!

For a specialist, self-published ebook, I’ve been delighted with the number of sales. More than 250 people backed the book as it was being written through the OpenBeta process I devised. Their feedback helped shape the book in a positive direction and around the same number of people have purchased the book post-v1.0.

If you decide to go ahead and buy the book at this price point, be assured I won’t reduce the book further until 2016. 🙂

A quick note on the two other books I planned to write this year. Due to spinning up my full-time consultancy slightly earlier than I’d originally planned, I’ve had to put these on the backburner. I’m still planning to write them – at some point!

My Twitter ads verdict: a waste of time and money

Update: The excellent comments on this post have made me realise that I proved exactly nothing in this experiment due to the poor way I set it up. Thanks all! Will try to do better next time.

I mentioned on Friday that I was going to experiment with Twitter ads for my book The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies. I said I’d report back on my findings.

Well, it’s a pretty stark message: either I’m doing something fundamentally wrong, or they’re a complete waste of time and money.

Here’s my results after spending $50 on three promoted tweets:

Twitter campaign overview

As you can see, not exactly stellar results.

So how did that translate to sales? Remember, I said that, “After Gumroad’s commission and the 10% discount, I need less than 10 additional people to buy my ebook to break even.”

According to my Gumroad statistics, I didn’t even sell one additional copy:

Gumroad customers

As the person who bought my book yesterday bought it at the undiscounted rate, I’m chalking that up as an ‘organic’ sale (i.e. they didn’t purchase it as a result of the advertising).

Happily, sales are going reasonably well anyway. They fluctuate each week, but are never zero. I think I’ll just let things continue as they are and not throw good money after bad. 😉
