Open Thinkering


Tag: blog posts

Weeknote #18

This week I have been mostly…

Attending ALT-C 2010

Yep, that’s pretty much it. I was there Monday to Thursday this week and I pretty much sleepwalked my way through work on Friday.

Relevant blog posts:

Leadership Day roundup

Honk!!! Honk!!! Honk!!! :)))

cc-by-nc-nd Denis Collette…!!!

I didn’t realise until this evening that today is ‘Leadership Day’. The hashtag is #leadershipday09 if you’re interested in media relating to it. I haven’t got time to do anything else, I’m afraid, other than link to this Diigo list of relevant blog posts and make a list of those on this blog you may find interesting!

My 5 Top Leadership blog posts (by popularity)

  1. Four ways to understand organizational change
  2. Are organizations like brains?
  3. How to Lead: Focusing on People
  4. Lord Bilimoria on leadership.
  5. Four ways to make your organization live long and prosper.
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