Open Thinkering


TB871: Managing Development and Strategic Balance in the Viable System Model (System 4)

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

The Viable System Model (VSM) comprises five systems. This post focuses on System 4:

System 4: Development and Planning — Focuses on the external environment and future planning. It involves activities related to market research, innovation, strategic planning, and adaptation to changes in the external environment. It ensures the organisation remains relevant and can respond to future opportunities and threats.

Taken from TB871: The five systems of the Viable System Model (VSM)
Diagram illustrating System 4 of the Viable System Model with connected geometric shapes and labeled components.
Diagram showing System 4 of the VSM. Note that, unlike other diagrams in this series, I have used double-headed arrows to prevent crowding.

Within the VSM, System 4 plays a crucial role in managing development and maintaining strategic balance. The above diagram attempts to show this.

Managing Development

System 4 is tasked with ensuring an organisation remains viable by focusing on long-term development and adaptation. Its primary functions include:

  1. Environmental scanning: Continuously monitoring the external environment for changes and potential future shifts. This activity is vital for identifying strategic risks and opportunities.
  2. External communications: Handling communications that are not directly related to operations. This function ensures the organisation stays connected with external stakeholders and adapts to external expectations and trends.
  3. Innovation: Encouraging and implementing new ideas and methods. By encouraging a culture of innovation, System 4 helps the organisation evolve and stay competitive.
  4. Change management: Overseeing the processes of change within the organisation. This includes planning and implementing changes effectively to minimise disruption and maximise benefits.
  5. Organisational modelling: Developing and maintaining a model of the organisation to understand its structure, processes, and alignment with the external environment.

Failures in System 4 can lead to an organisation becoming rigid and unable to respond to external changes. There are many storied examples of this, including companies such as Kodak, Blockbuster, and Polaroid who failed to respond to changes in their environment, losing not only their sector-leading position, but eventually going bankrupt.

Strategic Balance

Balancing the present and future needs of an organisation is a key responsibility of System 4. Traditional strategic models often fall short because they rely on fixed goals and linear processes, which can be ineffective in a rapidly changing environment. Instead, the VSM advocates for a dynamic approach where strategy emerges from the organisation’s ongoing processes and interactions.

Strategic conversations which span the organisation are essential. The discussions involved should involve various stakeholders to ensure diverse perspectives and adapt strategies to real-time changes in the environment.

To achieve ‘strategic balance’ with System 4, it’s important to consider:

  • Integration with System 3: Maintaining a dialogue between System 4 and System 3 (which focuses on present operations) ensures that immediate operational needs and future strategic objectives are aligned.
  • Adaptability: Emphasising flexibility and responsiveness allows the organisation to adjust its strategies as environmental conditions change.
  • Feedback Loops: Using feedback from the environment and internal operations to refine and adjust strategies continuously.

The interaction between Systems 3 and 4, moderated by System 5 (which oversees governance issues around policy and identity), ensures that the organisation can balance stability with the need for innovation and adaptation.

Applying System 4 to my system of interest

It’s really interesting to me to see System 4 as a separate system within VSM, as it’s probably the part in which I’m most interested and have spent my career doing. Let’s apply it to my system of interest, which is ‘a system to promote lifelong learning’ in a library setting:

1. Environmental scanning

System 4’s role in environmental scanning involves monitoring the external environment to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks that could impact lifelong learning initiatives in the library.

In this context, the library should regularly review trends in education, technology, and community needs. For instance, understanding the rise of programmes relating to digital literacies or changes in community demographics can inform the development of relevant services. Community engagement is essential and conducting surveys and focus groups with both library users and non-users can help in identifying gaps and potential new services.

In addition, keeping track of local and national education policies and funding opportunities allows the library to adapt its programs in alignment with broader educational objectives and secure necessary resources.

2. External Communications

Managing non-operational communications with external stakeholders is important for building partnerships and promoting the library’s learning initiatives. To build effective partnerships, the library can collaborate with local schools, universities, businesses, and community organisations to create learning programmes and share resources.

Additionally, PR such as marketing campaigns can help raise awareness about lifelong learning opportunities available at the library. These campaigns can include social media outreach, newsletters, and community events to engage a wider audience. Ongoing communication with grant-making bodies and other funding sources is also vital to secure financial support for learning initiatives.

3. Innovation

System 4 creates an environment for innovation by encouraging the development and implementation of new ideas and methods to enhance lifelong learning.

Introducing new technologies (e.g. e-learning platforms and makerspaces) provides diverse learning experiences for library users. Developing programmes around this should focus on designing and testing innovative learning programs and workshops catering to different age groups and learning preferences — e.g. coding clubs for children, digital skills workshops for adults, and book clubs for retirees. Creating feedback mechanisms allows library users to suggest new ideas and provide feedback on existing programmess, leading to innovation, iteration, and improvement.

4. Managing Change

System 4 is responsible for managing change within the library, ensuring that new initiatives are implemented smoothly and effectively. This involves developing and implementing detailed change management plans to secure the successful introduction of new learning programmes and technologies. These plans should include timelines, responsibilities, as well as information around allocating resources.

Providing training and support for library staff helps them adapt to new programmes and technologies, which means they can assist users effectively. System 4 continuously monitors the implementation of new initiatives, gathers feedback, and makes necessary adjustments to improve effectiveness and user satisfaction.

5. Organisational Modelling

Another role for System 4 in this context is maintaining a comprehensive model of the library’s operations and its alignment with lifelong learning objectives. Developing and maintaining a strategic plan outlines the library’s long-term goals for promoting lifelong learning and the steps needed to achieve them.

Ensuring that resources (financial, human, and physical) are allocated in alignment with the strategic plan and learning objectives is crucial to success. Establishing performance metrics allows the library to evaluate the success of lifelong learning initiatives, such as attendance on programmes, user satisfaction, and learning outcomes.


  • Hoverstadt, P. (2020). ‘The Viable System Model’. In Reynolds, M. & Holwell, S. (eds.) (2020). Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp.89-138.

TB871: Managing the ‘inside and now’ of the Viable System Model (System 3)

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

So far, I have defined System 1 and System 2 of the Viable System Model (VSM). This post is focused on System 3, which Stafford Beer referred to as “managing the inside and now.”

System 3: Management of Delivery — Concerned with the internal management functions that oversee and control the operations. It includes activities related to allocating resources, setting performance targets, and ensuring that the operational units meet these targets. It acts as the supervisory layer ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.

Taken from TB871: The five systems of the Viable System Model (VSM)
Diagram of System 3 in the Viable System Model showing interconnected subsystems and environments.

There are actually two parts to System 3: the coordinating function of System 3 itself, and then System 3* (“three star”) which is the auditing mechanism. It’s important to note that VSM is not a hierarchical system, so although we’re talking about coordination, we’re not necessarily talking about ‘management’ in the usual top-down sense.

As the above diagram attempts to show, System 3 is responsible for several important tasks:

  • Allocating resources: System 3 distributes resources such as budgets, staff, and equipment to various operational units. This ensures that each unit has the necessary tools to achieve its goals. Allocating resources effectively involves balancing the needs of different units, managing constraints, and optimising the use of available resources.
  • Monitoring performance: This involves overseeing the performance of operational units by setting performance standards, collecting data, and analysing results to identify areas for improvement. Regular monitoring helps in maintaining high standards and addressing any issues that arise in a prompt way. Performance data can include metrics such as productivity, quality, and efficiency.
  • Implementing policies: System 3 ensures that the policies set by System 5 (the policy-making function) are implemented across the organisation. This involves translating high-level policies into actionable plans for operational units. It may require developing procedures, setting deadlines, and ensuring compliance with standards set by the organisation or regulatory bodies.
  • Resolving conflicts: Addressing conflicts and discrepancies between operational units is another critical function of System 3. This involves mediating disputes, negotiating compromises, and finding solutions to maintain harmony and efficiency within the organisation. Effective conflict resolution can prevent disruptions and promote a collaborative working environment.

In terms of System 3* this is an independent component which performs checks and balances to ensure that the information provided by operational units is accurate and reliable. It helps maintain transparency and accountability within the organisation by performing audits which can uncover discrepancies, inefficiencies, and areas where improvements are needed.

All five systems of the VSM are important, but System 3 is crucial as it links Systems 1 and 2 with Systems 4 and 5:

  • Systems 1 and 2: System 3 receives data from System 1 (primary operations) and System 2 (coordination system), processes this information, and makes decisions that affect the operational units.
  • System 4: System 3 provides feedback to System 4 (development & planning system), which deals at the external environment. This ensures that current operations align with future strategies. System 4 scans the external environment for opportunities and threats, and System 3 ensures that internal activities are adjusted accordingly.
  • System 5: System 3 implements policies set by System 5 (governance system). System 5 is responsible for the overall direction and strategy of the organisation. System 3 translates these high-level policies into detailed plans and actions for the operational units.

Applying System 3 to my System of Interest

My system of interest is “a system to promote lifelong learning” in a library setting. When we consider System 3 in this context, it plays an important role in ensuring that all operational units (System 1s) work towards the common goal of encouraging lifelong learning.

System 3 oversees:

  • Allocating resources: This involves distributing resources such as books, digital materials, staff, and funding across different departments and branches. Each unit needs the right tools to run programmes and services effectively. For instance, budgeting for new acquisitions in digital learning platforms or educational workshops is part of System 3’s remit.
  • Monitoring performance: Keeping an eye on the performance of various units is crucial. This includes setting standards, collecting data, and analysing results to identify areas for improvement. Regular monitoring ensures high standards are maintained and issues are addressed promptly. Data might cover metrics such as book loans, digital resource usage, and feedback from patrons.
  • Implementing policies: System 3 translates the library’s strategic policies into actionable steps for operational units. This includes enforcing lending policies, usage guidelines for digital resources, and procedures for community engagement, ensuring consistency and adherence to strategic objectives.
  • Resolving conflict: Addressing conflicts that arise within the library is another key task. This involves mediating disputes between staff, resolving issues with patrons, and managing conflicts of interest between departments. For example, balancing resource allocation between the children’s education programme and adult learning workshops falls under this function.
  • Optimising operations: System 3 works continuously to improve and streamline library operations. This might involve adopting new technologies, refining processes, and implementing best practices to enhance efficiency and service quality. For example, introducing automated check-out systems or optimising the cataloguing process can significantly improve the user experience and operational efficiency.

System 3* acts as an audit mechanism, and involves several activities:

  • Independent Audits: Conducting regular reviews to verify the efficient and effective use of resources. This might include financial audits, assessing the impact of educational programmes, and ensuring compliance with library policies. For instance, checking whether funds allocated for digital resources are used appropriately and deliver the intended educational outcomes.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Providing an unbiased assessment of the library’s operations helps maintain transparency. Regular audits identify discrepancies, inefficiencies, and areas needing improvement, ensuring high service standards and accountability to patrons and stakeholders.
  • Feedback for Improvement: Audit findings offer valuable feedback to System 3, informing decisions and guiding necessary changes to improve services. For example, if an audit finds a particular educational programme under-utilised, System 3 can explore the reasons and make adjustments to enhance its effectiveness and appeal.

Together, System 3 and 3* create a structured framework supporting the library’s mission to offer high-quality, lifelong learning opportunities to the community. The interaction between System 3 and other systems ensures a holistic approach to managing and improving library services, helping align day-to-day operations with strategic objectives, whileadapting to external changes.


  • Hoverstadt, P. (2020). ‘The Viable System Model’. In Reynolds, M. & Holwell, S. (eds.) (2020). Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp.89-138.

TB871: Managing my system of interest (System 2)

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

The 'Red Arrows' flying in tight formation

As I explained in a previous post, the primary function of System 2 of the Viable System Model (VSM) is to coordinate and stabilise operations. An effective System 2 emerges from ongoing conversations between management and sub-management levels, meaning that a collaborative approach is required to ensure that the framework is grounded in reality.

System 2: Coordination — Consists of the protocols and activities that ensure the different operational units (System 1s) work harmoniously without conflicting with one another. It deals with issues like scheduling, standardising procedures, and ensuring smooth interactions among operational units.

Taken from TB871: The five systems of the Viable System Model (VSM)

I have already defined System 1 in my system of interest, which is ‘a system to support lifelong learning’ which I’m conceptualising as being in a library setting. So when thinking about System 2, I need to think about how the different elements of System 1 can work with one another. We’ll need:

  1. Common standards and protocols
  2. Agreed communication channels
  3. Monitoring and feedback systems
  4. Conflict resolution mechanisms
  5. Staff training and development
  6. Coordination with external partners
  7. Resource allocation/management

Let’s look at each in turn:

1. Common standards and protocols

Establishing common standards and protocols is important for ensuring that all services and operations within the library are consistent, reliable, and of high quality. This includes cataloguing, classification, lending procedures, managing digital resources, and providing services to users.

Common standards ensure that all library branches and departments follow the same procedures for acquiring, cataloguing, and lending materials. Users therefore have a consistent experience, regardless of which branch they visit, and it makes it easier for staff to manage resources and assist users effectively.

2. Agreed communication channels

Effective communication channels help coordinate activities between different parts of the library, as well as with external stakeholders.

Regular staff meetings, email updates, and use of digital communication platforms ensure that all staff members are informed about new initiatives, changes in protocols, and upcoming events. In addition, clear communication channels with users (e.g. newsletters / social media) help keep the community informed about available resources and services.

3. Monitoring and feedback systems

Monitoring and feedback systems help track the performance of various services and operations. These systems help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the library meets the needs of its users.

Using tools like user surveys, suggestion boxes, and digital feedback forms, the library can gather input from users about their experiences. Monitoring systems can track resource usage, attendance at events and various programmes, as well as user satisfaction. This provides data to inform decisions and improvements.

4. Conflict resolution mechanisms

Disputes and issues are inevitable in any organisation, and so conflict resolution mechanisms are crucial for addressing disputes and issues that may arise among staff, or between staff and users. Establishing consistent mechanisms helps to maintain a positive and productive environment.

Clear procedures for handling conflicts, such as mediation services and formal complaint processes, ensures that issues are resolved fairly and efficiently. This helps maintain a harmonious workplace, positive user interactions, and good ratings for the service.

5. Staff training and development

Continuous training and development for staff ensures they are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to provide high-quality services. This includes training in new technologies, customer service, and developments in librarianship as a professional practice,.

Regular workshops, training sessions, and professional development opportunities can help keep staff up-to-date. Well-trained staff can better assist users, manage resources, and adapt to new challenges.

6. Coordination with external partners

Collaborating with external partners enhances the library’s ability to provide diverse resources and services. These partnerships need to be managed, and may include other libraries, educational institutions, and community organisations.

Through such partnerships, the library can expand their offer, provide access to additional resources, and create opportunities for collaborative events.

7. Resource allocation/management

Effective resource allocation and management ensure that the library’s resources are used efficiently and effectively. This involves budgeting, staffing, and maintaining facilities and collections.

A centralised system for resource management can help allocate funds appropriately for acquisitions, staff salaries, and maintaining facilities. It ensures that all branches are adequately staffed and equipped, and that resources are distributed where they are most needed.

The role of System 2 in a library setting for lifelong learning involves establishing and maintaining a structured, stable, and coordinated environment. Each of these elements I’ve mentioned above contributes to the overall effectiveness and responsiveness of the library. By integrating these mechanisms, System 2 ensures that the library can support lifelong learning in a consistent, efficient, and user-focused way.


  • Hoverstadt, P. (2020). ‘The Viable System Model’. In Reynolds, M. & Holwell, S. (eds.) (2020). Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp.89-138.

Image: The ‘Red Arrows’ flying in tight formation, demonstrating a strong System 2 (Cas Holmes)
