Open Thinkering


Weeknotes 15/2023 & 16/2023

Seedlings in pots

I didn’t write a weeknote last week as it would have consisted merely of the deep insights that a) I did some DIY (re-sealed the shower unit, painted the gate, stained the decking, etc.) and, b) I was around for the kids during the second week of their Easter holiday. Hannah was back to work, although it was a short week due to the Bank Holiday and her not working Fridays.

The original plan had been to walk the first half of The Pennine Way last week. I’m glad I didn’t, as the weather wouldn’t have been great. Walking it this last week meant I didn’t get rained on at all! The trip wasn’t, however, without its challenges, as you can read in my reflections on the experience.

I returned to writing posts at Thought Shrapnel the week before last and got quite into the swing of things again. I’m aiming to post there most days, starting with my return to work tomorrow after three weeks off.

Photo of seedlings I bought after reading this post by Warren Ellis. He’s more of a gardener than I am, so this morning I took the seedlings (looked after by our daughter while I was walking) and whacked them straight in our garden, survival-of-the-fittest style!

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