Weeknote 05/2018
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #289 of my Thought Shrapnel newsletter. This one was called ‘Loooooong week’ and featured curated links from the Thought Shrapnel blog (where you can also sign up if you don’t yet subscribe!)
- Going to yoga for the first time. It was fine, but I prefer Pilates as it works the core muscles more.
- Continuing work on Project MoodleNet:
- Moving the draft white paper from Google Docs to the wiki
- Finalising plans for my trip to Moodle HQ in Perth, Australia (next week!)
- Continuing a GDPR course and writing about what I learned
- Meeting with Marina Glancy about decentralisation and other aspects of the projcet
- Testing the admin features of Mastodon
- Finishing off Learn Moodle Basics 3.4
- Discussing the future of Badgemaker with Anne Dhir from Snook
- Meeting with some representatives of Blackboard to discuss Blackboard Open Content
- Recording, editing and releasing Episode 96 of the Today In Digital Education (TIDE) podcast with my co-host Dai Barnes. We entitled this episode ‘BETT-er than usual?’ and discussed the Bett Show, virtual reality, coding, the Snooper’s Chater, voiceprints, algorithmic decision-making, tribal politics, and more!
- Helping a young Scout leader who’s starting up a new business around mountain leadership and expeditions. He wanted some help with his website.
- Meeting with Jeroen de Boer about We Are Open Co-op working with Bibliotheekservice Fryslân and other partners on an Erasmus+ bid. One of us will be heading over to The Hague to help them out with the Open Badges aspect.
- Continuing to look after my family, who are mostly better now, but who have been ill. My son had the first three days of the week off school due to flu-like symptoms.
- Spending a day planning with Bryan Mathers for some upcoming work in Washington D.C. with the Inter-American Development Bank. It’s the week after I’m in Australia, so we had to make sure we were sorted. We also met up with Kev Jones and Harriet Hadley-King from Sussex Downs College to advise them on their Digital Guild project.
- Going out for dinner with my family as a belated 37th birthday celebration meal.
- Writing:
- Creating the world’s smallest social network (for testing purposes) (Open Educational Thinkering, 31st January 2018)
- More on the mechanics of GDPR (Open Educational Thinkering, 29th January 2018)
Next week I’m working from home all week, flying to Perth (via Dubai) on Friday.
Image by Michal Grosicki used under a CC0 license