Weeknote 26/2016
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #221 of Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel, my weekly newsletter loosely focused on education, technology, and productivity. Many thanks to 9Sharp for their sponsorship over the last three months!
- Travelling back from Denver (via London, Jersey, and Belfast!)
- Despairing at the lack of leadership in the UK at the moment, including the English football team. Shameful.
- Facilitating Digitalme’s Digital Credentials for Employment: Bridging the Gap event. I created a Storify of the event here.
- Working with City & Guilds at their office in London on Wednesday. I’m helping them prepare for the Festival of Skills next week, which I’ll be at.
- Spending time in Jersey at Victoria College helping them with a strategic review. A big thanks to Sacha van Straten who made me feel very welcome!
- Chilling out on Friday after a week of travel.
- Writing:
- How to use metaphors to generate badge-based pathways (28th June 2016)
- Loomio Co-op Handbook (28th June 2016)
- My ebook, ‘The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies’ is now pay-what-you-want (including nothing!) (27th June 2016)
Next week: I’m taking a long weekend, then working from home on Tuesday, in London with City & Guilds on Wednesday, then at the Festival of Skills on Thursday/Friday.