Open Thinkering


Month: September 2014

Weeknote 39/2014

This week I’ve been:

Next week I’m at home all week. I’ll be synthesizing and making sense of the 38 interviews I’ve done over the last few weeks for the Web Literacy Map update. From that I want to create a survey that captures a wider set of people’s responses based on a number of proposed changes.

Image CC BY-NC-SA Barbara

Weeknote 38/2014

This week I’ve been:

Next week is the last week of interviews for the Web Literacy Map v2.0. I’ve very much enjoyed interviewing people, but it’s time-consuming! I’m looking forward to the synthesis stage in preparation for MozFest.

Image CC BY-NC-SA Guy Fawkes

Weeknote 37/2014

This week I’ve been:

  • Interviewing more people about Web Literacy Map 2.0:
  • Agreeing (with Lyndsey Britton & Lauren Summers) on 8th November 2014 as the date for a re-arranged Maker Party North East.
  • Selling my iPad Mini. I’ve bought a 6.4″ Sony Xperia Z Ultra phablet to replace both it and my Moto G (the 3G version). I’m still waiting for delivery as it was about £50 cheaper to order it from Amazon Germany instead of Amazon UK!
  • Giving feedback on designs for a (much needed) Webmaker badge landing page.
  • Attending GitClub, led by Ricardo Vazquez.
  • Connecting with Gordon Gow about some potentially overlapping interests in web literacy-related mobile learning projects in Sri Lanka.
  • Speaking at (and attending) a Code Acts in Education seminar at the University of Stirling, organised by Ben Williamson. It was a great event, at which I met great people and learned loads! My slides are here.
  • Recording videos as part of the guidance for people to earn Mozilla’s ‘remix the web’ badge on the forthcoming iDEA award platform.

Next week I’m at home all week, interviewing more people about the Web Literacy Map, and starting to think about synthesizing what I’ve been hearing so far. I should also start thinking about my Mozilla Festival sessions and deliverable for the Badge Alliance Digital & Web Literacy working group….

Image CC BY Michael Himbeault
