Weeknote 30/2014
This week I’ve been:
- Hosting the latest Badge Alliance Digital / Web Literacies working group call. We’ve moved these to be bi-weekly and you can catch up here.
- Writing blog posts:
- Drafting a post for DMLcentral about learning / training pathways and web literacy.
- Working with Michelle and Chloe on (potentially) upcoming MVP Contribution badges for Webmaker to scaffold people’s contribution.
- Accepting an invitation to keynote the Literacy Research Association annual conference in Miami in December.
- Figuring out my expenses for June.
- Creating a team calendar for better coherence. It includes meetings we all attend, times when we’re on holiday, and (most importantly) birthdays!
- Finishing off lots of little things before heading off on holiday.
- Planning a presentation I’m entitling PRIVACY: getting beyond ‘meh’ for next week’s SuperMondays event.
- Filling in a survey to inform an upcoming Badge Alliance manifesto. More details here.
Next week I’ll be… ON HOLIDAY! We’re heading off on Tuesday for a couple of weeks, driving and camping around Europe. Don’t worry, my home will be protected by sharks with lasers. And my parents. 😉
Image CC BY-NC NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center