Open Thinkering


TILTW reaches 100!

A lot has changed in both my life and the world at large since January 3rd, 2010, the date when I hit publish on a post marking the first in a series entitled Things I Learned This Week. The structure of the weekly roundup, however, has remained similar with its rationale pretty straightforward: I get a chance each week to read and review the links I’ve collected and curate something of interest to others. Everyone wins.

Originally, I used this blog to post the weekly roundup and diligently produced TILTW for the whole of 2010 before declaring a hiatus. When I resurrected TILTW in April 2012 it was in the form of an email newsletter (which has now grown to a subscriber base just shy of 400).

I’ve linked to all 100 TILTWs below for the sake of posterity, if nothing else. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who have have expressed their pleasure at the newsletter either by hitting reply when the email lands in their inbox, or via various social media channels. That always makes me smile! 🙂

If you haven’t yet signed up for TILTW you can do so below. The newsletter arrives in your inbox every Sunday morning (UK time).

>>>Sign up here <<<

List of all TILTWs

Originally, I thought that other people might like to create their own Things I Learned This Week. I’m not precious about the name and would welcome more curated content! Feel free to riff on the idea. 🙂

Image CC BY vxla

4 thoughts on “TILTW reaches 100!

  1. Congratulations on the 100 Doug! Always an enjoyable read on a Sunday morning (good timing). As you know I like the idea and tend to use it to add whatever I like to a blog post whenever I like!

  2. Great stuff! I keep meaning to have a go at doing one of these myself, but need to invest some time in building the habits to make it work without a tonne of effort. Some day soon =). I really appreicate yours on a Sunday morning though, the perfect time for me for some interesting reading.

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