Open Thinkering


A tribute to Chris Allan (@infernaldepart)


This morning I woke to the tragic news that Chris Allan had been found dead. I wasn’t sure whether to write anything here. I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate. But given that news of his death reduced me to tears, I thought I’d better.

Despite only living 40 miles or so away from one another, I only met Chris in person a few times – interacting with him more regularly via Twitter and email. He was a great guy: enthusiastic, brimming with ideas and, as an ICT teacher, keen to try out new technologies with his students. In fact, he’d been working on integrating Open Badges within the curriculum at his school.

Chris came along with his son to a #MozParty Newcastle event I organised last year. I like this photo of them together as I believe that’s how he should be remembered – as someone who went out of his way for the young people in his life. In fact, I can still remember a couple of years before that when he came round to my house to buy a computer from me for his son. My heart goes out to the family Chris leaves behind. What a loss.

[I’ve redacted the last section to keep this focused on Chris]

3 thoughts on “A tribute to Chris Allan (@infernaldepart)

  1. Please take this down for now mate. I know you mean well but there many people who are feeling raw at the moment and don’t need to read how you are feeling.

  2. I should point out a couple of things for the benefit of those who
    have asked me if I have seen the above comment: Archie and I have had an
    (amicable) email conversation, and Chris’ brother has publicly thanked
    me on Twitter for this post.

    If I’ve unintentionally caused any additional heartache for Chris’ family and friends I apologise unreservedly. Taking the post down, however, would shift the focus away from that which we all intend: to celebrate his life.

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