Models of Learning: #tmoxon presentation
I was asked a few weeks ago to present at TeachMeet Oxfordshire by organiser Matt Lovegrove. Although I’m no longer in the classroom and couldn’t make it in person, I thought it was a great opportunity to share stuff I wish I’d known when I was still in schools. Below is my slightly-more-than-7-minute video on ‘models of learning’. Relevant links can be found underneath and it’s best viewed fullscreen! :-p
(RSS & email subscribers can view the video here)
Relevant links:
Update: As requested by a fair few people, I’ve explained how I made this video over at Doug’s FAQ
Your presentation here is intriguing and I wanted to add this resource to your discussion:
Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M. (1986). Educational relevance of the study of expertise. Interchange, 17(2), 10-19. Their premise is that expertise is a process, not a place or a description.
Hi Debby, thanks for that! 😉