Open Thinkering


Month: August 2007

Business as usual – well, not quite…

You will notice some changes around here over the weekend. Basically, will go by a new name – although entering the current domain will redirect you towards the new site. Readers via the RSS feed need do nothing, this will remain the same. Please excuse any strange behaviour or error messages which I hope to keep to a minimum!

So, the only difference is going to be the domain name and some stylistic changes. All will become clear soon(ish)… 🙂

Perfect Promos

Crydamoure - Waves II Daniel Wylie - Ramshackle Beauty Hush - A Lifetime

Hannah and I came back from spending a couple of Ben-free days in Cornwall yesterday. We left young Benjamin with his grandparents and had a relaxing time, staying at perhaps the world’s nicest and most friendly B&B. One place we went is Falmouth where I found a second-hand music store. I don’t bother too much with these nowadays, partly because Hannah groans whenever I sight one, and partly because I purchase 99% of my music on MP3. On this occasion, I was very pleased I took a look inside…

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