Open Thinkering


Month: August 2007

Did You Know? 2.0 – UK version?

It seems like almost everyone in the educational community has now seen the Did You Know? video, which shows how the 21st century world is changing rapidly. If you haven’t, spend a few minutes viewing it at one of the locations listed here. Unfortunately, the video is somewhat US-centric. What’s great is that the authors have released the original Flash files, meaning that the community can remix the content under the Creative Commons license. A UK version anyone? 🙂

To-do v2

For the last 26 years and 275 days (yes, I worked it out…) I’ve approached ‘To Do’ lists in a very old-school way. We’re talking bullet points here. Obviously, given my ability to procrastinate and the number of things I don’t cross off my list each day, it’s not an amazingly successful system. I was delighted, therefore, to come across this post on with the following graphic:

Urgency vs. Importance Continue reading “To-do v2”

Yahoo! Teachers social network

Yahoo! teachers

Yahoo! are launching a social network for teachers at Given the plethora of such grassroots networks on Ning, this had better be something special…

Unfortunately, it’s US-centric. You can’t actually join the network yet, only ‘sign up for an invitation’. Once you do so and are invited to add yourself to a map of members, you’re prompted to ‘Enter city, state and zip code’. It didn’t understand any of the UK locations I tried to enter. 🙁

There’s a sneak peek video which highlights a feature called ‘Gobbler’. This allows teachers to drag-and-drop web content into a portfolio file ready for lesson planning. It’s nothing earth-shattering, but may help teachers less familiar with tools such as diigo, Google Notebook, etc. Apparently it fits in with the ‘state standards’ – so again, not much use for teachers elsewhere in the world; and there’s no UK version yet.

Overall, it looks fairly slick, and anything which cuts down teacher preparation time is a bonus. I just hope that Yahoo! open their eyes to teachers beyond the USA… 🙂

(via Mashable)
