Open Thinkering


Month: June 2007

Getting GPS working for Nokia Sports Tracker on the N95

Run 17.06.07 (click to enlarge)

3.74 miles, 27.03 mins (I’m out of shape!)

The past few times I’ve used it I’ve had a bit of an ordeal getting the GPS signal to work with the excellent (and free) Nokia Sports Tracker application on my N95. Now, though, I think I’ve got it sussed. Continue reading “Getting GPS working for Nokia Sports Tracker on the N95”

Visit to London village

Strange fish

I went to London yesterday. To say that it’s not my favourite place in the world is somewhat of an understatement: why on earth anyone would want to live or work there is beyond me. Anyway, I still had a reasonable time and got to see an exhibition I’d be looking forward to seeing since earlier this year.

Continue reading “Visit to London village”
