Open Thinkering


Month: June 2007

Apple iPhone vs Nokia N95

iPhone vs N95 (2)

I love my iPod. I love my Macbook. I will probably purchase an iPhone. But at the moment, I’ve got a Nokia N95, an amazing bit of kit. With all of the hype surrounding the iPhone, I can’t help but think that people aren’t comparing the specs of these two phones. So here’s a brief overview: Continue reading “Apple iPhone vs Nokia N95”

OpenSUSE to compete with Edubuntu

OpenSUSE vs Edubuntu

I was delighted to read that, come late 2007, OpenSUSE – the completely Open-Source project from Novell – is to have an add-on ‘EDU-CD’. This CD will have features similar to the excellent Edubuntu, a derivative of the amazingly successful Linux distribution Ubuntu. In addition, it will have features suggested by the wider community.

A couple of years ago I had some (limited) experience of using Linux in the classroom. I have to say that I think it’s a great solution which schools should be embracing more readily. It can be customised to very specific circumstances and, with the majority of the software being free, constitutes a very cost-effective way of getting computers into institutions with tight budgets.

(via Slashdot)
