Open Thinkering


Month: February 2007

My (finely crafted) information environment


There’s sea of information and knowledge out there. I do the best I can, strapping together several planks by way of information channels into a raft to stay afloat. I thought I’d share those here – both online and offline sources – and I’m definitely open to suggestions and comments!

Continue reading “My (finely crafted) information environment”

GMail now available to everyone!

I’m delighted to report that GMail (Google Mail) is now available to everyone. All you have to do is go to and sign yourself up!


Previously you’ve been able to create a Google Account to access other Google services such as personalised home page and Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google Calendar… but not GMail. I’m certainly going to recommend it to everyone – including my students. The capacity, the interface, and the way it integrates with other services is unsurpassed. It would make my life a lot easier – and my students online experience at school a lot better – if schools signed students up for Google Accounts en masse (as you can do here…)

Oh, and one more thing – you can access up to five POP3 accounts now using GMail. So there’s really no excuse (unless you use an IMAP-based account, that is…)

(via Google Operating System)
