Dr. Doug Belshaw

Work with me

I do the majority of my work through We Are Open Co-op (WAO) at the intersection of learning, technology, and community.

In practice, this looks like:

Outside of WAO, I tend to work on 'other' stuff. I've been unreasonably excited about a metadata standard called Open Badges for the last 13 years and still spend a lot of time thinking and talking about that. I've also led projects such as one to find ways to help people claiming Universal Credit digitally for the first time during the pandemic. I also assist the Bonfire Networks team with research and advice as they build a app toolkit for decentralised networks.

I'm currently studying towards an MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice, so I'm keen to bring what I'm learning from that into my work around levels of abstraction, boundary negotiation, and leverage points.

So in response to the dreaded question "what do you do?" I guess I could respond that I'm a combination of consultant, coach, service designer, project lead, facilitator and researcher. It's an odd mix, but I like it.

Think I might be able to help you?

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