Open Thinkering


Tag: reflecting

On the bench

When I worked in schools as a teacher I absolutely loved it. On multiple occasions I remarked that I would do that kind of work for free. Of course, I was younger, and didn’t have as many responsibilities in my life.

Since that time, I’ve worked at a university, for tech companies, and founded my own consultancy business as well as a co-operative. But nothing has been as fulfilling as teaching.

There’s actually nothing to stop me going back into the classroom. But I’m not sure that looking backwards is the best way to go about planning for the future. As a result, and especially with being under-employed this year, I’ve felt a bit like I’ve been ‘on the bench’.

I’m ready to come on and play my part, and in fact have been adding different facets to ‘my game’ through the MSc I’ve started and keeping up-to-date with various developments — particularly in AI. But I’m not entirely sure what to do next. What’s the second half of my career going to look like?

Perhaps I’m just going through the entirely predictable midlife slump. Perhaps I just need to stop waiting for the right opportunity to present itself and instead go and create it.
