Open Thinkering


Tag: podcast

A conversation with Adam Procter about Project ‘NodeNoggin’

I was pleased to have the opportunity to talk last night with Adam Procter about his PhD and Project ‘NodeNoggin’. Listen below or click here:

Notes can be found here, ways to get involved in the project are on GitLab, and you can discuss our conversation in this thread at Adam’s forum.

Weeknote 30/2013

This week I’ve been:

I’ve also been planning, talking, drinking, dancing, playing, and sharing. I’m just getting over my jetlag as the only route that worked was NCL-AMS-DTW-PWM! Next week I’m putting the next phases of my work in Mozilla into motion before heading off for a long weekend to visit relatives and Legoland.

Thinking About Web Literacy, Making, & Sharing with Mozilla [AUDIO]

Yesterday my colleague Laura Hilliger and I had the opportunity to talk to the good people at the National Writing Project about Mozilla’s work. We discussed the Web, Mozilla’s mission, and Web Literacies.

You can check out the audio at the link below, or click here or here. 🙂
