Open Thinkering


Tag: Oppi

Weeknote 16/2014

This was a only a two-day working week as I took a day in lieu on Monday after working last Saturday at the Oppi Learning Festival, a day’s PTO (Paid Time Off) on Tuesday, and then Friday was a public holiday in the UK. 🙂

So this week I’ve been:

Next week it’s another public holiday on Monday, then I’ll be getting ready for the Mozilla All-Hands. I leave early Saturday morning. The week after that I’ll be taking off for a postponed 10th wedding anniversary trip with my wonderful wife. 🙂

Weeknote 15/2014

This week I’ve been:

Next week is a short week: I’m taking a day in lieu as I worked Saturday this week, as well as a day’s holiday. That, in conjunction with the Easter weekend, means I’ll have a good chunk of time off before the Mozilla All-Hands in San Francisco.

Image CC BY harritimonen
