Profit: the purpose of education? []
I had the good fortune to bump into Lucy Gray at the DML Conference in Chicago back in March. She asked if I’d write something for, “the community for education leaders”. Slightly belatedly I’ve duly obliged and the post below is now published on the site.
I believe education to be public good, as something that profits the children’s mind, body and soul – not as something that should lead to financial profit for large corporates. I want teachers to do things in the classroom with an eye on my children’s learning and development, not on making sure they can pass a performance review in order to meet their mortgage payments.
Schools can, and probably should, be run in line with some business principles. But allowing schools to ‘go to the wall’ (as has been suggested in some quarters) because of the vagaries of the market sounds horrendous. Schools are places where human interactions should take place, not financial transactions.
Read the post in full here: Profit: the purpose of education?
Many thanks to Lucy for the invitation to contribute! 🙂