Open Thinkering



Some people have written nice things about me:


One of the most inspirational edubloggers I’ve come across.
Ant Heald

I have found your blog very useful and motivational. I tend to find myself on it when I need a little inspiration. I just wanted to thank you for your insights and this valuable service you provide to all of us.
Tom Swanson (via contact form)

I really enjoy reading Mr. Belshaw’s cutting-edge ideas, many which I believe will one day become the standard in educational practice.
Ms. Whatsit

I have a lot of respect for [Doug’s] determination and vision. This country needs more teachers like Doug and they should be set up as examples of how to do it for the new generation of ultra professional teachers who are totally dedicated to their craft.
Leon Cych (blog post)

Hi Mr Belshaw just compelled to let you know that you are an inspiration…the breadth and depth of your thinking are awesome and your generosity in sharingit are breathtaking.
Margaret Smith, St. Mary’s R.C. Primary School (via contact form)

Doug is the ultimate ideas hamster! He leaves no digital stone unturned in the pursuit of tools to aid the learning of his pupils and his practice as an educator. He helps us all keep up with the pace of web 2.0 progress!
Neil Jones, Deputy Head, Berkhamsted Collegiate Prep School

You are the most inspirational teacher that I’ve had the pleasure to meet and read. Over half the stuff I’m doing in my classroom and outside it has come from something you’ve either created yourself or you’ve blogged about. You’re so cutting edge that those of us regarded by people in our schools are cutting edge sometimes struggle to see you for dust!
Dave Stacey (comment)

OEDb Top 100 blog (December 2006 –

I too have closely followed the progress of this blog over the last 12 months (or the ‘Belshaw Express’ as I like to think of it – so many ideas and pulling so many people in its wake) and would also like to offer my congratulations on its success. Doug, your enthusiasm is infectious, long may it continue. Cheers!
Dan Lyndon (comment)

For me the real strength of this Blogg is it clearly demonstrates what is possible with the right attitude. For teachers just starting out it is easy to feel overwhelemed by the huge array of tasks they have to perform and the more developmental tasks often take a back burner. This blogg just goes to show what a little hear and a little there ultimately produces a fantastic result. I think you’ve done a great job and I know I have found many of the ideas and resources a great help. Keep up the good work.
Will Teece (comment)

…thanks for the time and effort you put into your blog – it is a great site and your observations/reflections and insights are really thought-provoking.
Dan Sutch (via email)

I adore – seriously – your website and the way you’ve created such a dynamic blogging and resource space for visitors. Man, I’m envious! Wish I had your talent and coding instincts/talents. But in the meantime, also appreciate the quality of what you’re doing in terms of supporting educators (and the rest of us). Outstanding!
Christian Long (via email)

Thanks for the mention, Doug. I really enjoy reading your blog. Great stuff!
Rob Reynolds (comment)

Doug, Fantastic site. Really synthesises all the masses of information that comes our way. Educators like you and Andrew Ross [Primary Teacher UK] play such a huge role in gathering relevant material and putting in one place!
Neil Jones (via contact form)

I was blown away by the quality and diversity of your work.
Jim Ford (edtechNOT blog)

I really enjoy your site; especially your musings on the purpose of education.
Paul Holdsworth (via contact form)

Thanks for the great resource!
Michael Partridge (

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