If you enjoy this blog, you may also be interested in some eBooks I’ve written and have planned for 2015:
- Title: The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies
- Status: COMPLETE
- Available from: Gumroad
What are ‘digital literacies’? Why are they important? How can I develop them both personally and in other people? These are some of the questions that The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies by Doug Belshaw seeks to address.
- Title: #uppingyourgame: a practical guide to personal productivity v2.0
- Available from: LeanPub
An update to the original #uppingyourgame e-book from 2010, this update contains all you need to be more productive!
- Title: The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies: workbook
- Available from: LeanPub
This workbook helps you take ideas from ‘The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies’ and put them into practice. Suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced.
Some older eBooks can be found here.