2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006
- 15th September - Weeknote 36/2024
- 11th September - TB871: Combining five systems approaches
- 8th September - Weeknote 35/2024
- 2nd September - Calling myself into the office: September 2024
- 1st September - Weeknote 34/2024
- 29th August - Digital Credentials: why context matters
- 25th August - Weeknote 33/2024
- 23rd August - TB871: Miscellaneous CSH stuff
- 23rd August - TB871: Systemic boundary critique in CSH
- 21st August - TB871: Systems vs Reality in CSH
- 21st August - TB871: Comparing CSH boundaries with SSM boundaries
- 18th August - Weeknote 32/2024
- 16th August - TB871: Critical System Heuristics
- 11th August - Weeknote 31/2024
- 10th August - TB871: An overview of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
- 8th August - TB871: Exploring Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
- 8th August - TB871: Perplexity and Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
- 6th August - An isosceles triangle of wind and racism
- 4th August - Weeknote 30/2024
- 3rd August - Character is a thing you do every day
- 28th July - Weeknote 29/2024
- 27th July - TB871: Conceptualising myself through metaphor
- 26th July - TB871: Conflict management and systems thinking
- 26th July - TB871: Power dynamics in systems thinking
- 25th July - TB871: Supporting the development of others
- 25th July - TB871: Personality and causal responsibility
- 25th July - TB871: A deeper dive into OCEAN
- 22nd July - Exponentially more bad ideas in the world
- 21st July - Weeknote 28/2024
- 21st July - TB871: Block 4 Tools stream references
- 16th July - AI for boring project tasks
- 15th July - On the bench
- 14th July - Weeknote 27/2024
- 12th July - TB871: Block 3 People stream references
- 10th July - TB871: Ambiguity and cognitive biases
- 10th July - TB871: Going beyond WEIRD biases
- 10th July - TB871: Old and new mode thinking errors
- 10th July - TB871: Human gizmos and time-binding
- 10th July - TB871: Intuitive and rational thinking
- 10th July - TB871: Block 3 Tools stream references
- 7th July - Weeknote 27/2024
- 1st July - Weeknote 26/2024
- 23rd June - Weeknote 25/2024
- 21st June - TB871: Systems in my situation of interest
- 19th June - TB871: Modelling myself as a viable system
- 19th June - TB871: Only variety can absorb variety
- 16th June - Weeknote 24/2024
- 14th June - TB871: The Viable System Model (VSM)
- 9th June - Weeknote 23/2024
- 7th June - TB871: Block 2 People stream references
- 7th June - TB871: Systemic and unsystemic metaphors
- 7th June - TB871: Framing and reframing
- 7th June - TB871: Sending people off on the wrong plane
- 7th June - TB871: Happiness is a warm gun
- 7th June - TB871: Dead metaphors
- 7th June - TB871: Metaphorical linguistic expressions
- 5th June - TB871: Primary metaphors
- 5th June - TB871: Block 2 Tools stream references
- 5th June - TB871: Area of practice diagram
- 2nd June - Life has no instruction manual
- 1st June - Weeknote 22/2024
- 31st May - TB871: Archetype 6 — Tragedy of the commons
- 31st May - TB871: Archetype 5 — Arms race
- 31st May - TB871: Archetype 4 — Drifting goals
- 31st May - TB871: Archetype 3 — Limits to growth
- 31st May - TB871: Archetype 2 — Shifting the burden
- 30th May - Migraines suck
- 29th May - TB871: Archetype 1 — Fixes that fail
- 29th May - TB871: Re-mapping my situation of interest
- 28th May - Levelling up?
- 27th May - Weeknote 21/2024
- 26th May - TB871: Vicious cycles and causal loops
- 26th May - TB871: Mapping my situation of interest
- 26th May - TB871: The poverty of root cause analysis
- 26th May - TB871: Block 1 People stream references
- 22nd May - TB871: Flamingos and hedgehog croquet
- 22nd May - TB871: Turtles all the way down
- 19th May - Weeknote 20/2024
- 19th May - TB871: Engaging with unknowns
- 19th May - TB871: Block 1 Tools stream references
- 18th May - TB871: Bricolage, rigour, and service design
- 17th May - TB871: Toast and wicked problems
- 17th May - TB871: Nominating an area of practice
- 12th May - Weeknote 19/2024
- 11th May - TB871: Systems practice competencies
- 10th May - TB871: What is a ‘strategy’?
- 10th May - TB871: Four perspectives on systems thinking
- 5th May - Weeknote 18/2024
- 1st May - TB871: Starting my next MSc module
- 29th April - Weeknote 17/2024
- 25th April - Perhaps we should organise?
- 21st April - Weeknote 16/2024
- 14th April - Weeknote 15/2024
- 7th April - Weeknote 14/2024
- 5th April - TB872: Concept map to help with my EMA
- 30th March - Weeknote 13/2024
- 24th March - Weeknote 12/2024
- 22nd March - TB872: Advantages and disadvantages of CSLS
- 20th March - TB872: Core reading for my EMA
- 17th March - Weeknote 11/2024
- 13th March - TB872: Preparing for 1:1 meeting with my tutor
- 12th March - ‘Manifesting’ work
- 10th March - Weeknote 10/2024
- 8th March - TB872: Bawden and transforming worldviews
- 6th March - Hope vs optimism
- 3rd March - Weeknote 09/2024
- 2nd March - Elysium, elites, and elision
- 1st March - TB872: Choosing between CSLS and CoPs
- 28th February - TB872: Ubuntu and Pratītyasamutpāda
- 25th February - TB872: Wenger-Trayner and communities of practice
- 25th February - TB872: Bawden and living as a constant process of learning
- 25th February - Weeknote 08/2024
- 23rd February - TB872: MCB and ‘being what we are willing to learn’
- 23rd February - TB872: Vickers and appreciative systems
- 17th February - TB872: Schön’s swamp and ‘ideas in good currency’
- 17th February - Weeknote 07/2024
- 14th February - TB872: Social learning systems and communities of practice
- 12th February - ‘Beast mode’ as permission-seeking behaviour
- 11th February - Weeknote 06/2024
- 4th February - Weeknote 05/2024
- 31st January - TB872: Authenticity and accountability
- 29th January - TB872: Different types of change
- 28th January - Weeknote 04/2024
- 26th January - TB872: Systemic inquiry and the ‘design turn’
- 26th January - TB872: My learning contract as a designed system of interest
- 25th January - Unlearning behaviours
- 24th January - TB872: Snappy Systems
- 22nd January - TB872: Juggling the M-ball (Managing)
- 20th January - Weeknote 03/2024
- 19th January - TB872: Juggling the C-ball (Contextualising)
- 18th January - TB872: Juggling the E-ball (Engaging)
- 17th January - TB872: Juggling the B-ball (Being)
- 15th January - TB872: Purposeful and purposive framing
- 14th January - Weeknote 02/2024
- 12th January - TB872: What I talk about when I talk about juggling
- 12th January - TB872: Four advantages of systems practice
- 12th January - TB872: Places to intervene in a system
- 10th January - One does not simply move off Substack
- 10th January - TB872: Adding the juggler isophor to the PFMS heuristic
- 10th January - TB872: The juggler isophor for systems practice
- 8th January - Weeknote 01/2024
- 5th January - TB872: Revisiting my learning contract
- 5th January - TB872: Rich picture for my systemic inquiry (S1)
- 5th January - TB872: Rich picture for my systemic inquiry (S2)
- 4th January - TB872: STiP terminology
- 3rd January - TB872: Different understandings of the word ‘system’
- 3rd January - TB872: Systems: epistemologies or ontologies?
- 3rd January - TB872: Systems practice and social relations
- 31st December - Weeknote 52/2023
- 30th December - TB872: Making choices about situations and systems
- 29th December - TB872: Systems, situations, and systemic praxis
- 29th December - TB872: Emerging worldview commonalities and clashes
- 28th December - TB872: Meta-narrative for my systemic inquiry
- 28th December - TB872: Regression and recursion
- 27th December - I am so tired of moving platforms
- 23rd December - Weeknote 51/2023
- 23rd December - TB872: A web of existence of which we are only partly aware
- 23rd December - TB872: System-determined problems
- 21st December - (Most of) my 2023 in sport
- 19th December - TB872: Understanding systemic inquiry in activity model terms
- 17th December - Whisky and Wisdom
- 16th December - Weeknote 50/2023
- 12th December - TB872: Systemic inquiry as a social technology
- 12th December - TB872: Projectification and an apartheid of the emotions
- 12th December - TB872: A virtuous circle of inquiry
- 11th December - Weeknote 49/2023
- 3rd December - TB872: The role of narrative in STiP
- 3rd December - Weeknote 48/2023
- 2nd December - TB872: DAD vs EDD
- 27th November - TB872: Learning contract and preparing for first assessment
- 26th November - Weeknote 47/2023
- 25th November - TB872: Communities and networks
- 25th November - TB872: Critical Social Learning Systems (CSLS)
- 24th November - TB872: Mapping prior experience of ‘learning systems’
- 24th November - TB872: Identifying elements and processes of social learning
- 24th November - TB872: The people of the PFMS heuristic
- 24th November - Tinkering with WordPress category archive pages
- 22nd November - TB872: Systems lineages
- 22nd November - TB872: Reflection, reflexivity, and ‘practice performances’
- 22nd November - TB872: ‘Method’ vs ‘Methodology’
- 22nd November - TB872: Relational thinking
- 17th November - TB872: An inquiry into my practice for managing change with STiP
- 17th November - TB872: Systemic praxis and epistemological devices
- 17th November - TB872: The PFMS heuristic
- 17th November - TB872: Culturally feasible change
- 17th November - TB872: Systemic failure in UK governance
- 15th November - TB872: Avoiding systemic failures
- 15th November - TB872: Experiencing situations of change
- 15th November - TB872: Types of change
- 12th November - Weeknote 45/2023
- 12th November - TB872: The nature of change
- 11th November - TB872: Institutions, structures, and power
- 11th November - TB872: Mapping my arrival trajectory
- 10th November - TB872: creating a systems map of the module
- 8th November - TB872: first reflections, heuristics, and systems literacy
- 4th November - Weeknotes 43/2023 & 44/2023
- 22nd October - Weeknote 42/2023
- 21st October - A bit of family history
- 20th October - Earning a badge in preparation for my MSc
- 15th October - Weeknote 41/2023
- 10th October - All aboard the U-shaped curve
- 7th October - Weeknote 40/2023
- 6th October - Systems Thinking, reference management, and Open Badges
- 30th September - Weeknote 39/2023
- 28th September - Seven Samurai and Open Badges
- 24th September - Weeknote 38/2023
- 21st September - The Value of Credentials Endorsement
- 17th September - Weeknote 37/2023
- 10th September - Weeknote 36/2023
- 8th September - The role of endorsement in Open Badges and Open Recognition
- 3rd September - Weeknote 35/2023
- 27th August - Don’t skip the best tracks
- 26th August - Weeknote 34/2023
- 24th August - Handing over ownership of
- 19th August - Weeknote 33/2023
- 17th August - House purchases, climate change, and AI
- 13th August - Weeknote 32/2023
- 5th August - Weeknote 31/2023
- 29th July - Weeknote 30/2023
- 24th July - Weeknote 29/2023
- 22nd July - The Unseen Threads of Open Recognition
- 16th July - Weeknote 28/2023
- 9th July - Weeknote 27/2023
- 7th July - More on AI literacy
- 3rd July - Weeknote 26/2023
- 25th June - Weeknote 25/2023
- 25th June - On the paucity of ‘raising awareness’
- 19th June - Weeknote 24/2023
- 11th June - Weeknote 23/2023
- 4th June - Weeknote 22/2023
- 29th May - Weeknote 21/2023
- 25th May - The everyday essence of creativity
- 21st May - Weeknote 20/2023
- 20th May - Time’s Solitary Dance
- 14th May - Weeknote 19/2023
- 6th May - Weeknote 18/2023
- 6th May - #NotMyKing
- 29th April - Weeknote 17/2023
- 27th April - Paying for participation
- 26th April - Using Snapchat’s ‘My AI’ feature for revision
- 25th April - The future of collaboration is federated
- 23rd April - Weeknotes 15/2023 & 16/2023
- 10th April - Introducing ‘Empowered Networked Learning’ (ENL)
- 8th April - Weeknote 14/2023
- 2nd April - Weeknote 13/2023
- 1st April - Reimagining hiring with Open Recognition
- 26th March - Weeknote 12/2023
- 24th March - Realigning Microcredentials with Open Badges
- 20th March - Sharepidation
- 19th March - Weeknote 11/2023
- 12th March - Weeknote 10/2023
- 8th March - FONT and Nonviolent Communication
- 5th March - Weeknote 09/2023
- 2nd March - Coworking spaces should be run by cooperatives
- 25th February - Weeknote 08/2023
- 20th February - Weeknote 07/2023
- 15th February - Voodoo categorisation and dynamic ontologies in the world of OER
- 10th February - Weeknote 06/2023
- 7th February - I’m pretty sure ‘status update’ meetings aren’t work
- 4th February - Weeknote 05/2023
- 28th January - Weeknote 04/2023
- 22nd January - Weeknote 03/2023
- 14th January - Weeknote 02/2023
- 7th January - Weeknote 01/2023
- 5th January - Building an iPod for 2023
- 2nd January - Hear me now!
- 31st December - 2022 in review
- 16th December - #BelshawBlackOps22
- 11th December - Weeknote 49/2022
- 4th December - Weeknote 48/2022
- 27th November - Weeknote 47/2022
- 25th November - Defederation and governance processes
- 24th November - No management but self-management
- 21st November - How to CW on the Fediverse
- 19th November - Weeknote 46/2022
- 13th November - Weeknote 45/2022
- 12th November - On the importance of Fediverse server rules
- 6th November - Weeknote 44/2022
- 3rd November - The Fediverse is made up of cities, towns, and villages
- 30th October - Sticks and stones (and disinformation)
- 29th October - Weeknote 43/2022
- 23rd October - Weeknote 42/2022
- 18th October - Moving hosts for
- 16th October - Weeknote 41/2022
- 9th October - Weeknotes 39/2022 & 40/2022
- 24th September - Weeknote 38/2022
- 21st September - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
- 18th September - Weeknote 37/2022
- 13th September - Registrations are now open at!
- 11th September - Weeknote 36/2022
- 7th September - Code of Conduct for
- 6th September - Migraines and TIAs
- 4th September - Weeknote 35/2022
- 27th August - Weeknote 34/2022
- 26th August - Returning to
- 21st August - Context collection, not context collapse
- 21st August - Chronological social interaction
- 20th August - Full Internet People
- 20th August - Weeknote 33/2022
- 14th August - Weeknote 32/2022
- 6th August - Weeknote 31/2022
- 30th July - Weeknote 30/2022
- 24th July - Weeknote 29/2022
- 17th July - Weeknote 28/2022
- 9th July - Weeknote 27/2022
- 3rd July - Weeknote 26/2022
- 25th June - Weeknote 25/2022
- 25th June - Bonfire beta
- 19th June - Weeknote 24/2022
- 12th June - Weeknote 23/2022
- 5th June - Weeknote 22/2022
- 29th May - Weeknote 21/2022
- 22nd May - Weeknote 20/2022
- 15th May - Weeknote 19/2022
- 8th May - Weeknote 18/2022
- 1st May - Weeknote 17/2022
- 26th April - Words and meaning are two different things
- 23rd April - Weeknote 16/2022
- 17th April - Weeknote 15/2022
- 9th April - Weeknote 14/2022
- 7th April - Hadrian’s Wall Path in 72 hours
- 1st April - Weeknote 13/2022
- 26th March - Weeknote 12/2022
- 20th March - Weeknote 11/2022
- 18th March - Open Badges is now on the plateau of productivity
- 13th March - Weeknote 10/2022
- 6th March - Weeknote 09/2022
- 26th February - Weeknote 08/2022
- 19th February - Weeknote 07/2022
- 12th February - Weeknote 06/2022
- 5th February - Weeknote 05/2022
- 3rd February - Decentralising the description of skills with OSMT
- 29th January - Weeknote 04/2022
- 28th January - Boring crypto definitions
- 22nd January - Weeknote 03/2022
- 21st January - Directions of travel
- 19th January - So this is Covid
- 18th January - Reflecting on #100DaysToOffload
- 15th January - Weeknote 02/2022
- 8th January - Weeknote 01/2022
- 6th January - Productive ambiguity and learning resource discovery
- 31st December - Looking back, looking forward
- 31st December - Gamify or be gamified
- 19th December - 2021 in weeknote review
- 18th December - Weeknote 50/2021
- 17th December - Sorry! The lifestyle you ordered is out of stock
- 11th December - Weeknote 49/2021
- 6th December - Sage career advice from Baltasar Gracián
- 5th December - Weeknote 48/2021
- 28th November - Weeknote 47/2021
- 23rd November - That silent disappointment face, the one that I can’t bear
- 19th November - Weeknote 46/2021
- 15th November - An ending, a beginning
- 13th November - Weeknote 45/2021
- 6th November - Weeknote 44/2021
- 30th October - Weeknote 43/2021
- 29th October - My Gamer Motivation Profile: Skirmisher/Bard
- 24th October - Weeknote 42/2021
- 17th October - Weeknote 41/2021
- 16th October - Blogging from localhost to IPFS
- 10th October - Weeknote 40/2021
- 3rd October - Weeknote 39/2021
- 25th September - The September Series: weekend microadventuring
- 24th September - Weeknote 38/2021
- 22nd September - I’m not flying any more
- 19th September - Weeknote 37/2021
- 18th September - The difference between individual and organisational decision-making
- 11th September - Weeknote 36/2021
- 4th September - Bright green, blight green, and lean green futures
- 4th September - Weeknote 35/2021
- 29th August - The End of Vigilance
- 28th August - Weeknote 34/2021
- 21st August - Weeknote 33/2021
- 19th August - Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht
- 18th August - Hang on to what you’ve got?
- 14th August - Weeknote 32/2021
- 7th August - Weeknote 31/2021
- 3rd August - Gaming, technology, and solving problems
- 2nd August - Two years of spending more time in ‘dark forests’
- 31st July - Weeknote 30/2021
- 24th July - Weeknote 29/2021
- 17th July - Weeknote 28/2021
- 10th July - Weeknote 27/2021
- 3rd July - Weeknote 26/2021
- 26th June - Weeknote 25/2021
- 26th June - Walkways lined by abandoned gestures
- 21st June - Specialization is for insects
- 19th June - Weeknote 24/2021
- 11th June - Weeknote 23/2021
- 4th June - Weeknote 22/2021
- 2nd June - The lie of ‘sovereign individuality’
- 29th May - Weeknote 21/2021
- 22nd May - Approaching the many-headed hydra
- 14th May - Weeknote 19/2021
- 13th May - Stick or twist? (
- 11th May - 3 ways to gain control of your Twitter feed
- 7th May - Weeknote 18/2021
- 1st May - Weeknote 17/2021
- 30th April - Smartwatch ramblings
- 23rd April - Weeknote 16/2021
- 22nd April - Checking out of therapy
- 17th April - Weeknote 15/2021
- 17th April - 100 days of #100DaysToOffload
- 17th April - Unsettling
- 9th April - Weeknote 14/2021
- 9th April - Iterating
- 6th April - Another new side project:
- 5th April - How to subscribe to
- 5th April - Inputs and outputs
- 3rd April - Weeknote 13/2021
- 27th March - Weeknote 12/2021
- 27th March - Refactoring
- 20th March - New side project:
- 19th March - Weeknote 11/2021
- 13th March - Proof-of-What?
- 13th March - Weeknote 10/2021
- 13th March - The role of the man who foresees is a sad one
- 8th March - Everyone has an eschatology
- 6th March - Weeknote 09/2021
- 6th March - HOWTO: Install Firefox on Chrome OS
- 6th March - Refactoring
- 1st March - Introducing, my new side project
- 27th February - Weeknote 08/2021
- 20th February - Weeknote 07/2021
- 12th February - Weeknote 06/2021
- 6th February - Investing in decentralised crypto file storage
- 5th February - Weeknote 05/2021
- 30th January - Weeknote 04/2021
- 26th January - Solving for complexity
- 22nd January - Weeknote 03/2021
- 15th January - Weeknote 02/2021
- 9th January - Weeknote 01/2021
- 6th January - Power and paths
- 5th January - The end of competition
- 2nd January - Everything flows
- 2nd January - My two biggest insights from last year
- 27th December - Christmas slobbing about
- 27th December - What day is it? What date?
- 22nd December - 40 things I’ve learned in 40 years.
- 19th December - Free Software and two forms of liberty
- 13th December - My favourite posts of 2020
- 8th December - 5 things I’ve learned this (work) year
- 7th December - Current optimization is long-term anachronism
- 6th December - No more performative professionalism
- 5th December - The cash value of truth
- 5th December - Weeknote 49/2020
- 4th December - Who are you without the doing?
- 3rd December - Skin in the game?
- 1st December - Are you OK?
- 27th November - Weeknote 48/2020
- 27th November - The self-cannibalisation of ideas and experience
- 27th November - Give and you shall receive
- 26th November - Define your audience or your product will (probably) fail
- 24th November - Convenience, UX, and ethics
- 23rd November - (A)synchronous project updates within organisations
- 23rd November - What’s your favourite month?
- 21st November - Weeknote 47/2020
- 20th November - Spatial video conferencing with self-organised breakout rooms
- 14th November - Weeknote 46/2020
- 12th November - What I do when I don’t know what to do
- 11th November - The Ice Cream Fork of Productisation
- 8th November - How to build ideological products that delight users
- 7th November - Weeknote 45/2020
- 6th November - Our better natures
- 5th November - Introspection, truth, and error
- 31st October - Weeknote 44/2020
- 29th October - 10 ways to Build Back Better
- 28th October - Baltasar Gracián on patience
- 26th October - Marcus Aurelius on character
- 24th October - Weeknote 43/2020
- 22nd October - How to plan a workshop in 10 steps
- 17th October - Weeknote 42/2020
- 10th October - Weeknote 41/2020
- 7th October - Learning through frustration
- 3rd October - Weeknote 40/2020
- 26th September - Weeknote 39/2020
- 25th September - Running with the wolves
- 18th September - Weeknote 38/2020
- 18th September - NVC and FONT
- 15th September - Working out loud is noisy
- 14th September - New habits die easily
- 12th September - Weeknote 37/2020
- 12th September - Rejecting the ideas hamster
- 8th September - We’re not even citizens, just independent contractors
- 5th September - An incredible example of societal collapse
- 5th September - Weeknote 36/2020
- 2nd September - What do we mean by ‘the economy’?
- 31st August - What’s the purpose of Philosophy?
- 30th August - Weeknote 35/2020
- 30th August - Deleting my Patreon account
- 29th August - Changing desktop environment in Pop!_OS
- 25th August - 3 advantages of consent-based decision making
- 24th August - Letting go of my pre-pandemic self
- 22nd August - Weeknote 34/2020
- 21st August - Temporarily embarrassed influencers
- 19th August - Kettled by Big Tech?
- 18th August - Remaining unmanaged
- 17th August - The auto-suggested life is not worth living
- 16th August - Strengths and schooling
- 15th August - Weeknote 33/2020
- 15th August - Climate ch-ch-ch-changes
- 14th August - Moving Mastodon instance
- 12th August - Giving consent
- 11th August - Experimenting with the MAF method
- 10th August - Keeping it simple
- 8th August - Weeknote 32/2020
- 8th August - Herd immunity for privacy
- 6th August - Three internets?
- 5th August - Identity, obedience, and social media
- 3rd August - Lies and misinformation
- 3rd August - Things could be worse
- 2nd August - One year.
- 1st August - Opinions and preferences
- 31st July - Musonius Rufus on meat
- 30th July - Living a good life is not a theoretical exercise
- 26th July - Weeknote 30/2020
- 25th July - Moving on
- 24th July - Perfectionism
- 23rd July - Liquid society?
- 22nd July - Rules to live by
- 21st July - Just write.
- 18th July - Sort-of breaking up with Cloudflare
- 18th July - Weeknote 29/2020
- 16th July - Time for a more sustainable blog theme
- 1st July - Sounds from a #realworldhomeoffice
- 30th June - A tour of my #realworldhomeoffice
- 29th June - How I use analogue notebooks
- 24th June - Slow down or I’ll do it for you
- 21st June - Weeknote 25/2020
- 18th June - Managing projects is about understanding context
- 16th June - Practice what you preach
- 15th June - #100DaysToOffload: Day 1 – Introduction
- 14th June - Weeknote 24/2020
- 6th June - Weeknote 23/2020
- 31st May - Weeknote 22/2020
- 24th May - Weeknote 21/2020
- 17th May - Weeknote 20/2020
- 10th May - Weeknote 19/2020
- 3rd May - Weeknote 18/2020
- 26th April - Weeknote 17/2020
- 19th April - Weeknote 16/2020
- 11th April - Weeknote 15/2020
- 4th April - Weeknote 14/2020
- 1st April - Domains, decentralisation, and DNS
- 1st April - Wiki backup: information environment
- 1st April - Wiki backup: collaboration style
- 1st April - Wiki backup: daily reading
- 27th March - Weeknote 13/2020
- 21st March - Weeknote 12/2020
- 14th March - Weeknote 11/2020
- 7th March - Weeknote 10/2020
- 1st March - Walking in memory of Dai
- 29th February - Weeknote 09/2020
- 22nd February - Weeknote 08/2020
- 15th February - Weeknote 07/2020
- 8th February - Weeknote 06/2020
- 2nd February - Weeknote 05/2020
- 26th January - Weeknote 04/2020
- 22nd January - Featured on the Digital2Learn podcast
- 19th January - Weeknote 03/2020
- 10th January - Weeknote 02/2019
- 4th January - Weeknote 01/2020
- 24th December - 2019: arriving at myself
- 14th December - Weeknote 50/2019
- 6th December - Weeknote 49/2019
- 30th November - Weeknote 48/2019
- 27th November - Rebalancing my focus for 2020
- 23rd November - Weeknote 47/2019
- 17th November - Weeknote 46/2019
- 9th November - Weeknote 45/2019
- 3rd November - Weeknote 44/2019
- 26th October - Weeknote 43/2019
- 18th October - Weeknote 42/2019
- 12th October - Weeknote 41/2019
- 4th October - Weeknote 40/2019
- 29th September - Eulogy for Dai Barnes
- 27th September - Weeknote 39/2019
- 21st September - Weeknote 38/2019
- 13th September - Weeknote 37/2019
- 6th September - Weeknote 36/2019
- 30th August - Weeknote 35/2019
- 23rd August - Weeknote 34/2019
- 17th August - Weeknotes 32 & 33/2019
- 8th August - #RIPDai: in memory of a good friend
- 2nd August - Weeknote 31/2019
- 27th July - Weeknote 30/2019
- 19th July - Weeknote 29/2019
- 13th July - Weeknote 28/2019
- 8th July - Weeknote 27/2019
- 2nd July - Weeknote 26/2019
- 22nd June - Weeknote 25/2019
- 14th June - Weeknote 24/2019
- 7th June - Weeknote 23/2019
- 1st June - Weeknote 22/2019
- 24th May - Weeknote 21/2019
- 17th May - Weeknote 20/2019
- 12th May - Change your launcher, change your life
- 11th May - Weeknote 19/2019
- 3rd May - Weeknote 18/2019
- 28th April - Where are the weeknotes, Doug?
- 3rd April - Fediverse field trip
- 24th March - My ChromeOS apps and extensions
- 2nd March - Weeknote 09/2019
- 23rd February - Weeknote 08/2019
- 16th February - Weeknote 07/2019
- 12th February - So long Digitalme, and thanks for all the fish
- 9th February - Weeknote 06/2019
- 9th February - Experimenting with a Slack-based book club
- 2nd February - Weeknote 05/2019
- 2nd February - Dr. Doug’s Wednesday surgeries
- 25th January - Weeknote 04/2019
- 19th January - Weeknote 03/2019
- 13th January - Some (more) thoughts on private education
- 12th January - Weeknote 02/2019
- 5th January - Weeknote 01/2019
- 30th November - Weeknote 48/2018
- 27th November - A conversation with Adam Procter about Project ‘NodeNoggin’
- 25th November - Weeknote 47/2018
- 18th November - Weeknote 46/2018
- 10th November - Weeknote 45/2018
- 3rd November - Weeknote 44/2018
- 28th October - Weeknote 43/2018
- 23rd October - Quality Mountain Day 15: Dale Head, Hindscarth, and High Spy
- 20th October - Weeknote 42/2018
- 13th October - Weeknote 41/2018
- 10th October - World Mental Health Day: my story
- 7th October - Weeknote 40/2018
- 29th September - Weeknote 39/2018
- 29th September - Some values-based career advice
- 21st September - Weeknote 38/2018
- 17th September - The fate of private social networks
- 15th September - Weeknote 37/2018
- 8th September - Weeknote 36/2018
- 1st September - Weeknote 35/2018
- 25th August - Weeknotes 32, 33, and 34/2018
- 3rd August - Weeknote 31/2018
- 27th July - Weeknote 30/2018
- 21st July - Weeknote 29/2018
- 13th July - Weeknote 28/2018
- 7th July - Weeknote 27/2018
- 30th June - Weeknote 26/2018
- 23rd June - Weeknote 25/2018
- 16th June - Weeknote 24/2018
- 14th June - Open source community calls in the wake of GDPR
- 8th June - Weeknote 23/2018
- 4th June - Sociocratic design sprints
- 3rd June - Where migraines end and I begin
- 1st June - Weeknote 22/2018
- 25th May - Weeknote 21/2018
- 19th May - Weeknote 20/2018
- 12th May - Weeknote 19/2018
- 4th May - Weeknote 18/2018
- 29th April - Some utopian thoughts
- 28th April - Weeknote 17/2018
- 21st April - Weeknote 16/2018
- 14th April - Weeknote 15/2018
- 11th April - Winnowing the MoodleNet project down to MVP size
- 6th April - Weeknote 14/2018
- 4th April - No easy answers
- 30th March - Weeknote 13/2018
- 24th March - Weeknote 12/2018
- 17th March - Weeknote 11/2018
- 10th March - Weeknote 10/2018
- 9th March - Moodling around with a Jetpack metaphor
- 2nd March - Weeknote 09/2018
- 26th February - Final steps in my GDPR journey
- 23rd February - Weeknote 08/2018
- 17th February - Weeknote 07/2018
- 11th February - Weeknote 06/2018
- 6th February - Continuing my GDPR journey
- 3rd February - Weeknote 05/2018
- 29th January - More on the mechanics of GDPR
- 27th January - Weeknote 04/2018
- 25th January - Social networking and GDPR
- 20th January - Weeknote 03/2018
- 13th January - Weeknote 02/2018
- 6th January - Weeknote 01/2018
- 5th January - Redesigning Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel
- 3rd January - Thinking about social logins and identity on the web
- 23rd December - Weeknote 51/2017
- 16th December - Weeknote 50/2017
- 15th December - Come and get involved with the MoodleNet community!
- 9th December - Weeknote 49/2017
- 2nd December - Weeknote 48/2017
- 1st December - Destroying capitalism, one stately home at a time
- 24th November - Weeknote 47/2017
- 18th November - Weeknote 46/2017
- 11th November - Weeknote 45/2017
- 4th November - Weeknotes 43 & 44/2017
- 21st October - Weeknote 42/2017
- 16th October - New blog: Doug, uncensored
- 14th October - Weeknote 41/2017
- 7th October - Weeknote 40/2017
- 29th September - Weeknote 39/2017
- 22nd September - Weeknote 38/2017
- 18th September - Digital myths, digital pedagogy, and complexity
- 16th September - Weeknote 37/2017
- 9th September - Weeknote 36/2017
- 8th September - Tools to help you with your blog post
- 2nd September - Weeknote 35/2017
- 1st September - Deciding what to write about in your blog post
- 30th August - Putting your blog post into the world
- 30th August - Sitting down to write a blog post
- 30th August - How to write a blog post
- 25th August - Weeknote 34/2017
- 18th August - Weeknote 33/2017
- 13th August - Weeknote 32/2017
- 4th August - Weeknote 31/2017
- 28th July - Weeknote 30/2017
- 21st July - Weeknote 29/2017
- 14th July - Weeknote 28/2017
- 7th July - Weeknote 27/2017
- 5th July - My information environment (July 2017)
- 30th June - Weeknote 26/2017
- 26th June - 10 top email productivity tips
- 23rd June - Weeknote 25/2017
- 19th June - Redesigning
- 17th June - Weeknote 24/2017
- 14th June - Providing some clarity on Open Badges 2.0
- 9th June - Weeknote 23/2017
- 2nd June - Weeknote 22/2017
- 2nd June - Friends don’t let friends use Facebook
- 28th May - 3 reasons I’ll not be returning to Twitter
- 27th May - Weeknote 21/2017
- 20th May - Weeknote 20/2017
- 12th May - Weeknote 19/2017
- 6th May - Weeknote 18/2017
- 29th April - Weeknote 17/2017
- 26th April - Goodbye, Grandma
- 25th April - Why I’m not using Twitter next month
- 22nd April - Weeknote 16/2017
- 14th April - Weeknote 15/2017
- 9th April - Weeknote 14/2017
- 1st April - Weeknote 13/2017
- 31st March - Badging ‘co-operative character’
- 25th March - Weeknote 12/2017
- 18th March - Weeknote 11/2017
- 17th March - My Daily Routine
- 13th March - Badges, Proof and Pathways [DML Central]
- 10th March - Weeknote 10/2017
- 9th March - My sites are now hosted in the European Union
- 9th March - How to build an architecture of participation
- 8th March - Blogging for a third of my life
- 6th March - Preparing for ‘Story Hack’
- 4th March - Weeknote 09/2017
- 28th February - Coming up with a manifesto to underpin my work
- 25th February - Weeknote 08/2017
- 17th February - Weeknote 07/2017
- 10th February - Weeknote 06/2017
- 7th February - Safer Internet Day 2017 resources
- 4th February - Weeknote 05/2017
- 1st February - Against mass consumption of ‘already certified’ credentials
- 28th January - Weeknote 04/2017
- 25th January - Experimenting with push notifications
- 24th January - The Flatter Organisational Structure Of The Future
- 20th January - Weeknote 03/2017
- 17th January - Join us in London on February 15th for BADGE BOOTCAMP!
- 13th January - Weeknote 02/2017
- 6th January - Weeknote 01/2017
- 30th November - #BelshawBlacksOps16 (Pt.2) has begun. See you in 2017!
- 25th November - Weeknote 47/2016
- 18th November - Weeknote 46/2016
- 16th November - We’re running a webinar next week on badges, and you’re invited
- 13th November - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps16 (Part 2)
- 12th November - Weeknote 45/2016
- 11th November - Utopia, pedagogy, and G-Suite for Education
- 10th November - 7 approaches to educational technology integration
- 7th November - Open Badges, BlockCerts, and high-stakes credentialing
- 5th November - Weeknote 44/2016
- 2nd November - How I’m Getting Shift Done
- 31st October - The importance of working ‘open’ in education and business
- 29th October - Weeknote 43/2016
- 28th October - A new dawn for Open Badges
- 27th October - Where I’ll be at MozFest 2016
- 25th October - Blockcerts are friends of Open Badges
- 22nd October - Weeknote 42/2016
- 20th October - 3 quick updates
- 15th October - Weeknote 41/2016
- 15th October - On CC0
- 11th October - Why It’s Time to Let Go of ‘Meritocracy’ [DML Central]
- 7th October - Weeknote 40/2016
- 5th October - My CC Superheroes
- 1st October - Weeknote 39/2016
- 1st October - Quality Mountain Days 3 and 4: Lake District
- 29th September - Discipline in the field of edtech
- 23rd September - Weeknote 38/2016
- 16th September - Weeknote 37/2016
- 15th September - Digital Literacy, Identity and a Domain of One’s Own [DML Central]
- 15th September - How to be an effective knowledge worker and ‘manage yourself’
- 9th September - Weeknote 36/2016
- 8th September - Igniting my Mondays
- 3rd September - Weeknote 35/2016
- 1st September - We’re back!
- 1st August - #BelshawBlackOps16 Pt.1 has started!
- 29th July - Weeknote 30/2016
- 22nd July - Weeknote 29/2016
- 15th July - Weeknote 28/2016
- 14th July - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps16 Pt.1
- 12th July - New blog theme
- 8th July - Weeknote 27/2016
- 1st July - Weeknote 26/2016
- 25th June - Weeknote 25/2016
- 17th June - Weeknote 24/2016
- 10th June - Weeknote 23/2016
- 3rd June - Weeknote 22/2016
- 27th May - Weeknote 21/2016
- 24th May - The problem with ‘grit’
- 21st May - Weeknote 20/2016
- 19th May - The Future of Work: Trends and Toolsets
- 13th May - ???? Weeknote 19/2016
- 9th May - Weak signals
- 6th May - Weeknote 18/2016
- 4th May - 3 reasons you need a critical friend
- 29th April - Weeknote 17/2016
- 22nd April - Weeknote 16/2016
- 20th April - Quality Mountain Days 1 and 2: Lake District
- 19th April - A quick redesign
- 18th April - Refocusing my energies
- 16th April - Weeknote 15/2016
- 9th April - Weeknote 14/2016
- 8th April - 3 things I learned during my time at Mozilla
- 6th April - What is a ‘credential’ anyway?
- 1st April - Weeknote 13/2016
- 25th March - Weeknote 12/2016
- 19th March - Weeknote 11/2016
- 11th March - Weeknote 10/2016
- 9th March - Some thoughts on the evidence behind Open Badges
- 5th March - Weeknote 09/2016
- 27th February - Weeknote 08/2016 (warning: may contain gifs and emojis)
- 19th February - Weeknote 07/2016
- 13th February - Weeknote 06/2016
- 11th February - Calling out Pearson on Open Badges
- 11th February - The Possibilities of Badges and Blockchain [DML Central]
- 6th February - Weeknote 05/2016
- 29th January - Weeknote 04/2016
- 27th January - Caring doesn’t scale, and scaling doesn’t care
- 23rd January - Weeknote 03/2016
- 18th January - Where I’ll be at BETT 2016
- 18th January - What a post-Persona landscape means for Open Badges
- 16th January - Weeknote 02/2016
- 12th January - New avatars for 2016
- 8th January - Weeknote 01/2016
- 1st January - Monthnote: December 2015
- 1st January - Happy New Year!
- 1st December - #BelshawBlacksOps15 Pt.2 has begun. See you in 2016!
- 28th November - Weeknote 48/2015
- 27th November - 3 reasons open source needs Open Badges []
- 20th November - Weeknote 47/2015
- 15th November - INCOMING: #BelshawBlackOps15 (Part 2)
- 14th November - Weeknote 46/2015
- 13th November - The New Nepotism
- 8th November - Why the future remains bright for Open Badges
- 6th November - Weeknotes 44 and 45/2015
- 4th November - Deliberate Practice and Digital Literacies [DMLcentral]
- 24th October - Weeknote 43/2015
- 22nd October - 5 ways to use NFC-enabled business cards
- 20th October - Open Badges location extension
- 16th October - Weeknote 42/2015
- 10th October - Weeknote 41/2015
- 2nd October - Weeknote 40/2015
- 29th September - The TIDE is high…
- 25th September - Weeknote 39/2015
- 23rd September - A Decentralized System for Education and Assessment
- 19th September - Weeknote 38/2015
- 15th September - How to sponsor Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel newsletter
- 12th September - Weeknote 37/2015
- 10th September - Apple product launches as attention conservation devices
- 9th September - Your liberty will not survive combat drones
- 4th September - Weeknote 36/2015
- 2nd September - An experiment in using LinkedIn Pulse for blogging
- 1st August - #BelshawBlackOps15 (part 1) has begun!
- 31st July - Weeknote 31/2015
- 30th July - Towards a visual hierarchy of Open Badges
- 28th July - How to help us build #OB101
- 27th July - Reader survey: 2015 edition
- 25th July - Weeknote 30/2015
- 24th July - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps15 (part 1)
- 20th July - Weeknote 29/2015
- 14th July - Setting an Agile School Rhythm [DMLcentral]
- 13th July - Claim your Advanced Kanban badge!
- 11th July - Weeknote 28/2015
- 3rd July - Weeknote 27/2015
- 30th June - Claim your Kanban 101 badge!
- 29th June - HOWTO: Trello Kanban
- 27th June - Weeknote 26/2015
- 19th June - Weeknote 25/2015
- 18th June - Three of the best people I’ve ever worked with…
- 12th June - Weeknote 24/2015
- 6th June - Weeknote 23/2015
- 29th May - Weeknote 22/2015
- 29th May - Extending Badges [DMLcentral]
- 27th May - Wednesday Wisdom #38: Foundations
- 25th May - Flying a drone through Mitford Castle window
- 22nd May - Weeknote 21/2015
- 20th May - Wednesday Wisdom #37: Confluence
- 18th May - My #TwitteratiChallenge blog post
- 15th May - Weeknote 20/2015
- 13th May - Wednesday Wisdom #36: Cats
- 8th May - Weeknote 19/2015
- 6th May - Community Alignment model v0.5
- 1st May - Weeknote 18/2015
- 29th April - Wednesday Wisdom #35: Copyright
- 27th April - Open Networked Learning webinar
- 24th April - Weeknote 17/2015
- 24th April - An exciting week for Open Badges
- 22nd April - Wednesday Wisdom #34: Promises
- 21st April - Why you should create canonical URLs
- 20th April - A Community Alignment model
- 17th April - Weeknote 16/2015
- 15th April - Wednesday Wisdom #33: Uncertainty
- 14th April - HOWTO: Create a podcast
- 12th April - Why I left teaching five years ago
- 11th April - Weeknote 15/2015
- 10th April - Tetris, badges, and learning pathways
- 8th April - Wednesday Wisdom #32: Quality
- 4th April - Weeknote 14/2015
- 1st April - Wednesday Wisdom #31: Context
- 30th March - The Next Chapter
- 28th March - Weeknote 13/2015
- 27th March - Today is my last day at Mozilla
- 25th March - Wednesday Wisdom #30: Robots
- 20th March - Weeknote 12/2015
- 18th March - Wednesday Wisdom #29: Completion
- 14th March - Weeknote 11/2015
- 11th March - Wednesday Wisdom #28: Influence
- 6th March - Weeknote 10/2015
- 4th March - Wednesday Wisdom #27: Trying
- 28th February - Weeknotes 08/2015 and 09/2015
- 26th February - An important day for the Internet
- 25th February - Wednesday Wisdom #26: Friends & Enemies
- 24th February - 3 reasons I’ve decided to resurrect my LinkedIn account
- 13th February - Weeknote 07/2015
- 11th February - Wednesday Wisdom #25: Distraction
- 7th February - Weeknote 06/2015
- 5th February - My current Mozilla workflow: Trello, Google Mail, and GitHub
- 4th February - Wednesday Wisdom #24: Courage
- 2nd February - Technological innovation and mental models
- 1st February - #ScreenFreeSunday
- 31st January - Cashing in on your privilege
- 30th January - Weeknote 05/2015
- 30th January - On working remotely
- 29th January - Learning Pathways: Descriptive or Prescriptive? [DMLcentral]
- 28th January - Wednesday Wisdom #23: Clash of Mythologies
- 27th January - Bryan Mathers: who are you and what do you do?
- 26th January - Do big ideas need big spaces?
- 25th January - An Unreasonable Man writes his Damn Book
- 24th January - Weeknote 04/2015
- 23rd January - How do you explain the web to your kids?
- 22nd January - Volcanoes and ambiguity
- 21st January - Wednesday Wisdom #22: Have Double of Life’s Necessities
- 16th January - Weeknote 03/2015
- 15th January - The ABC of creating a system for personal productivity
- 14th January - Wednesday Wisdom #21: Born in the right century
- 11th January - My next e-book: three options for you to vote on
- 10th January - Scripting the first hour of each (week)day
- 9th January - Weeknote 02/2015
- 9th January - Answering questions from #durbbu
- 8th January - What (some) people think about ‘radical participation’
- 6th January - Radical participation: a smörgåsbord
- 2nd January - Yearnote 2014
- 31st October - #BelshawBlackOps14 has started – see you in January!
- 22nd October - What I’m doing at #MozFest 2014
- 21st October - A 10-point #MozFest survival guide
- 17th October - Weeknote 42/2014
- 15th October - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps14
- 11th October - Weeknote 41/2014
- 3rd October - Weeknote 40/2014
- 27th September - Weeknote 39/2014
- 19th September - Weeknote 38/2014
- 12th September - Weeknote 37/2014
- 6th September - Weeknote 36/2014
- 2nd September - POSTPONED: Mozilla Maker Party Newcastle 2014
- 30th August - Weeknote 35/2014
- 28th August - Twitter, algorithms, and digital dystopias
- 24th August - Battening down the hatches (again)
- 22nd August - Weeknote 34/2014
- 19th August - Open Badges: 3D printing for credentials?
- 17th August - Hill Skills training in Northumberland
- 15th August - Weeknotes 31, 32 & 33
- 15th August - Announcing Maker Party Newcastle 2014
- 14th August - Walking to calm the monkey chatter mind
- 29th July - Gone campin’
- 25th July - Weeknote 30/2014
- 18th July - Weeknote 29/2014
- 16th July - I needed to write a blog post this morning…
- 11th July - Weeknote 28/2014
- 5th July - Weeknote 27/2014
- 28th June - Weeknote 26/2014
- 20th June - Weeknote 25/2014
- 18th June - My morning routine
- 16th June - Why I’ve just closed my LinkedIn account
- 15th June - HOWTO: Ditch Gmail for self-hosted webmail
- 14th June - Weeknote 24/2014
- 7th June - Weeknote 23/2014
- 3rd June - Faking Cultural Literacy
- 30th May - Weeknote 22/2014
- 28th May - So here’s the problem…
- 24th May - Weeknote 21/2014
- 19th May - On ‘Kit Builder’
- 16th May - Weeknote 20/2014
- 15th May - An emerging workflow
- 10th May - Weeknotes 18 & 19/2014
- 26th April - Be More Doug
- 25th April - Weeknote 17/2014
- 21st April - What’s the project?
- 20th April - Weeknote 16/2014
- 12th April - Weeknote 15/2014
- 5th April - Weeknote 14/2014
- 1st April - Why I still believe in badges [DMLcentral]
- 28th March - Weeknote 13/2014
- 25th March - Writing and publishing openly online
- 22nd March - Weeknote 12/2014
- 15th March - Weeknote 11/2014
- 11th March - On the link between Open Education and the Open Web
- 10th March - Open Education and the Open Web (#openeducationwk)
- 7th March - Weeknote 10/2014
- 3rd March - What’s new with Open Badges?
- 1st March - Weeknote 09/2014
- 25th February - New to digital literacies? Read this.
- 24th February - More on the web as the platform
- 21st February - Weeknote 08/2014
- 13th February - Weeknote 07/2014
- 11th February - Gozo no go
- 10th February - Weeknote 06/2014
- 1st February - Weeknote 05/2014
- 31st January - 3 things I’m looking forward to at the Webmaker workweek
- 27th January - 3 things I do to work more productively throughout the day
- 25th January - Weeknote 04/2014
- 21st January - Where I’ll be at BETT (#bett2014)
- 17th January - Weeknote 03/2014
- 16th January - A Hacker News for education?
- 13th January - The web is the platform (or, the perils of esoteric setups)
- 12th January - A letter from the future
- 10th January - Weeknote 02/2014
- 8th January - Find what you can influence, and focus your attention
- 3rd January - 7 ways to make this your happiest year yet
- 31st October - #BelshawBlackOps13 has started
- 28th October - Announcing the Web Literacy Standard (specification)
- 27th October - Minimum Viable Badge
- 25th October - Where I’ll be at MozFest
- 24th October - Minimum Viable Bureaucracy: Why have managers?
- 22nd October - Minimum Viable Bureaucracy: Goals, scheduling, shipping
- 18th October - Weeknote 42/2013
- 15th October - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps13
- 14th October - Minimum Viable Bureaucracy: Practicalities
- 13th October - My iPad Mini apps (October 2013)
- 11th October - Weeknote 41/2013
- 9th October - 3 things I saw at the Mozilla Summit that blew my mind
- 4th October - Weeknote 40/2013
- 28th September - Weeknote 39/2013
- 26th September - Moving on from SpiderOak Hive to BTSync
- 24th September - Battening down the hatches
- 23rd September - Minimum Viable Bureaucracy: Scale, Chaordic Systems & Trust
- 21st September - Weeknote 38/2013
- 18th September - Minimum Viable Bureaucracy: Introduction
- 14th September - Weeknote 37/2013
- 10th September - Weeknote 36/2013
- 31st August - Weeknote 35/2013
- 27th August - No, no, no, no, no
- 25th August - On the NSA revelations
- 25th August - Weeknote 34/2013
- 25th August - The Silent Writing Collective
- 23rd August - My next 100 days at Mozilla
- 22nd August - I am not Richard Stallman
- 18th August - Weeknote 33/2013
- 13th August - A new blog:
- 12th August - Transitioning into a new role at Mozilla
- 10th August - Weeknote 32/2013
- 3rd August - Weeknote 31/2013
- 29th July - Web Literacy Standard RFC
- 28th July - Weeknote 30/2013
- 21st July - Badge Camp 2013
- 21st July - Weeknote 29/2013
- 13th July - Weeknote 28/2013
- 12th July - Who I am and how I work: Eugenie Teasley
- 9th July - It’s time to register for MozFest 2013!
- 6th July - Weeknote 27/2013
- 29th June - Why would I send my child to secondary school?
- 29th June - Weeknote 26/2013
- 28th June - 5 reasons to use Open Source Software
- 25th June - I’ve got a Firefox OS phone
- 22nd June - Weeknote 25/2013
- 21st June - New Open Badges napkin sketch
- 18th June - Privacy, the NSA and Web Literacies [DMLcentral]
- 15th June - Weeknote 24/2013
- 9th June - Weeknote 23/2013
- 1st June - Weeknote 22/2013
- 28th May - No more #LettingGrow
- 26th May - TILTW reaches 100!
- 25th May - Weeknote 21/2013
- 24th May - I may not be subtle, but I am now @Svbtle
- 23rd May - Explaining Open Badges through analogy
- 18th May - Weeknote 20/2013
- 13th May - Reading, feeding and seeding
- 10th May - Weeknote 19/2013
- 4th May - Weeknote 18/2013
- 1st May - Maslow and the minimalist movement
- 29th April - An Anarcho-Syndicalist critique of Web browsers
- 28th April - Weeknote 17/2013
- 22nd April - Habits are things you get for free
- 21st April - You are not Mr Gove’s audience
- 20th April - Weeknote 16/2013
- 18th April - My iPhone apps (April 2013)
- 16th April - Structured procrastination
- 14th April - Why educational reform is like Jenga.
- 13th April - Weeknote 15/2013
- 6th April - Weeknote 14/2013
- 30th March - Weeknote 13/2013
- 27th March - Ambiguity, OER & Open Badges (#OER13 keynote)
- 23rd March - Weeknote 12/2013
- 21st March - Why I
- 16th March - Weeknote 11/2013
- 14th March - Open Badges reaches v1.0!
- 11th March - Thinking through the Web Literacy standard arc.
- 8th March - Weeknote 10/2013
- 6th March - A tribute to Chris Allan (@infernaldepart)
- 4th March - Supporting a Generation of Digital Makers
- 2nd March - Weeknote 09/2013
- 1st March - Belshaw beard blooms. (#LettingGrow update)
- 23rd February - Weeknote 08/2013
- 20th February - Two online gatherings you should be part of (today/tomorrow)
- 19th February - Planning permission approved for my #shoffice!
- 18th February - Why we need a learning standard for Web Literacy [DMLcentral]
- 17th February - T3S1: Digital Literacies with Dr. Doug Belshaw (#etmooc)
- 16th February - How to ensure your blog posts last forever.
- 15th February - Weeknote 07/2013
- 14th February - On ‘rigour’ in definitions of digital and web literacy.
- 12th February - Reading books in front of kids is not enough.
- 10th February - Thinking through helping my kids learn Web concepts.
- 8th February - Weeknote 06/2013
- 7th February - Towards a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy
- 6th February - Towards a Web Literacy standard: (4) How?
- 5th February - Towards a Web Literacy standard: (3) Who?
- 4th February - Towards a learning standard for Web Literacy: (2) What? Why?
- 2nd February - Weeknote 05/2013
- 27th January - Some (brief) thoughts about online peer assessment.
- 26th January - Weeknote 04/2013
- 24th January - MOOCs, online education and the rights of learners.
- 21st January - How I plan my working days. [RESOURCES]
- 19th January - Weeknote 03/2013
- 16th January - On living in the future
- 14th January - A conversation with Audrey Watters about Web Literacies.
- 12th January - Weeknote 02/2013
- 9th January - Videos for #openbadges workshops [RESOURCES]
- 1st January - Letting Grow.
- 1st December - #BelshawBlackOps12 has started – see you in 2013!
- 26th November - How to make #openbadges work for you and your organisation.
- 24th November - Want a tablet? Choose your vendor lock-in.
- 23rd November - Why ‘government as platform’ is a really bad idea.
- 22nd November - Reading list for #BelshawBlackOps12
- 21st November - What is ‘technology’ anyway?
- 19th November - Why we need more e-learning staff tutors
- 17th November - Some thoughts on learning technologies in the classroom
- 16th November - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps12
- 13th November - Using Raspberry Pi and XBMC to build an ultra-cheap HTPC.
- 11th November - Webmaker badges are GO!
- 9th November - Preparing for #MozFest
- 26th October - Mozilla Web Literacies v0.9 (#mozweblit)
- 21st October - Time for a NICE-r kind of education?
- 20th October - More thoughts on iPads and one-to-one initiatives.
- 18th October - On the ‘openness’ of Open Badges.
- 16th October - How I use a MacBook Pro (October 2012)
- 15th October - Open Badges, Clay Shirky, and the tipping point.
- 11th October - Because obviously I’m a male chauvinist pig.
- 10th October - A #shoffice update (October 2012)
- 5th October - Mozilla Web Literacies white paper v0.8
- 4th October - My response to the ICT Programme of Study consultation
- 3rd October - MozFest!
- 1st October - Productivity for what?
- 30th September - Blog redesign: October 2012 edition
- 29th September - TeachMeet Mozilla Webmaker Edition: 6 October 2012
- 26th September - Time, innovation and funding.
- 24th September - My high school report.
- 23rd September - BYOD and cross-platform tools for learning.
- 21st September - On the mental cost of inventing new categories.
- 20th September - On private schools becoming academies.
- 19th September - What I’m up to for Mozilla at the moment.
- 18th September - Mozilla Web Literacies v0.7
- 14th September - Thinking About Web Literacy, Making, & Sharing with Mozilla [AUDIO]
- 10th September - Mozilla, Webmaking, and the Architecture of Participation
- 4th September - Project Reclaim: a pragmatic update
- 27th August - A few brief thoughts on the Google Nexus 7. [REVIEW]
- 24th August - Some thoughts on time, performativity, and the State.
- 17th August - Famous for 42 seconds. [AUDIO]
- 16th August - Evaluation: the absolute basics
- 15th August - What we’re up to with Mozilla Webmaker (Open) badges.
- 13th August - Stuff I continually reference.
- 11th August - Doug’s new #shoffice
- 10th August - Another day, another Connected Learning webinar [VIDEO]
- 9th August - Google Apps for Education UK summit [HELP REQUIRED]
- 6th August - An elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.2) [VIDEO]
- 5th August - Sullen.
- 4th August - On (not) working in academia.
- 29th July - Have you subscribed to TILTW yet?
- 26th July - Mozilla Web Literacies v0.5
- 17th July - Coming to an event near you…
- 15th July - Aim for the high ground, not the high horse.
- 5th July - On digital ownership. This is HUGE.
- 29th June - #OpenBadges through the rear-view mirror?
- 27th June - Doctor Doug.
- 20th June - On the Importance of Webmaking [DMLcentral]
- 14th June - Web literacies? (v0.2 beta)
- 6th June - Why I’m becoming a MoFo(er).
- 4th June - Displaying #OpenBadges with BadgeWidgetHack.
- 2nd June - Purpos/ed: #500words Take 2
- 15th May - Changing thinking vs. Changing systems.
- 12th May - This is why teachers leave teaching.
- 10th May - On routines and rituals.
- 5th May - Purpos/ed #500words Take 2
- 30th April - Arson at Ellington Nature Reserve.
- 27th April - On writing every day.
- 24th April - A few things that may interest you…
- 18th April - 3 rules for our five year-old (that work!)
- 16th April - More on P2PU’s School of Webcraft
- 13th April - 9 ideas in search of a blog post.
- 10th April - Project Reclaim: consolidating my blogs.
- 9th April - 3 principles for a more Open approach.
- 2nd April - Badges: talking at cross purposes?
- 30th March - Beyond Elegant Consumption.
- 26th March - Interview: Josh Johnson
- 21st March - Beyond the Textbook?
- 20th March - On the new politics of technology.
- 18th March - Surfacing stuff you may not have seen.
- 17th March - Getting back on the productivity wagon.
- 15th March - School of Webcraft: Webmaking 101
- 5th March - DML Conference 2012 (#DML2012) – my highlights
- 3rd March - Education: it’s what you can’t see that counts.
- 1st March - Connected Learning: a new model of learning.
- 21st February - Tools and processes
- 12th February - Why the REMIX is at the heart of digital literacies
- 10th February - What’s the point of education? [Guardian Teacher Network]
- 7th February - Twitter, TweetBot and Custom API endpoints
- 1st February - The Essentials? (#divest12)
- 30th January - Web literacy? (v0.1)
- 29th January - Stripping back: #divest12
- 27th January - In defence of digital literacies.
- 25th January - Beyond academic journals?
- 22nd January - Journals, academia and the ivory tower.
- 21st January - You need us more than we need you.
- 18th January - Radio EDUtalk and #LWF12
- 15th January - Ed.D. thesis: an update
- 15th January - 2012 blog reader survey: full breakdown
- 14th January - 2012 reader survey: interim results and book winners!
- 5th January - Best of Belshaw 2011 now available!
- 1st January - Thanks for waiting! Dr. Belshaw will see you now.
- 1st December - #BelshawBlackOps11 has started. See you in 2012!
- 30th November - We need education for resilience, not flexibility.
- 29th November - Investing in infrastructure: does it work?
- 28th November - The Pre-Digital and the Post-Digital.
- 24th November - JISC Online Conference session on digital literacy (#jiscel11)
- 23rd November - An example of innovation being built upon standardization.
- 23rd November - Exploring digital literacies and illiteracies
- 19th November - Robots: the elephant(s) in the room?
- 16th November - Stop SOPA.
- 14th November - [REMINDER] #BelshawBlackOps11
- 11th November - Building a better future (despite the 1%)
- 11th November - Why we need open, distributed social networks.
- 10th November - Why peer-review is flawed.
- 8th November - Bauman on inequality and the logic of capital.
- 5th November - Zygmunt Bauman on Liquidity vs. Solidity
- 1st November - [INCOMING] #BelshawBlackOps11
- 29th October - My mobile learning article for the Guardian Teacher Network
- 20th October - Of Bitcoin and Badges.
- 17th October - What I Learned at #MobilityShifts last week in NYC.
- 5th October - On the importance of human agency.
- 4th October - Getting started with Digital Literacies [Presentation]
- 1st October - My Belbin results – Part 2
- 29th September - Responding to some criticisms about ‘badges’ for lifelong learning
- 28th September - 7 upcoming events about which I’m super-excited.
- 22nd September - My Belbin results – Part 1
- 14th September - Change MOOC – #change11
- 7th September - Launch of the Mobile Learning infoKit
- 3rd September - #openbadges – Learner Stories
- 26th August - Doug’s Daily Planner (v1)
- 19th August - A quick rundown of what I’m up to until Christmas.
- 17th August - We need to open our eyes to systemic injustice.
- 15th August - Has England lost its rhythm?
- 11th August - The real story behind the #londonriots?
- 10th August - Help me kick the tyres at!
- 7th August - Semester of Learning: Open Badges and assessment
- 26th July - The Setup.
- 15th July - Social Objects and the importance of sharing.
- 13th July - Competition and the problem with ‘reality’.
- 28th June - Why I’m starting to blog at DMLcentral
- 24th June - My new work blog and other RSS goodies.
- 14th June - Giving my visitors some (virtual, P2P) cash.
- 6th June - Introducing ‘User Outcomes Weekly’
- 4th June - Pragmatism as a candidate methodology
- 2nd June - Methodology section: Post-Structuralism
- 29th May - Blog name change
- 29th May - Methodology section: Critical Theory
- 28th May - Quick overview: iA’s Writer app
- 15th May - Umbrella terms and micro-literacies
- 15th May - How I Use a MacBook Pro (May 2011)
- 11th May - The Digital Native/Immigrant dichotomy.
- 10th May - How to teach using mobile devices
- 8th May - New Literacy Studies
- 29th April - Epistemic games and situated learning.
- 26th April - From my research: New Literacies around the world
- 26th April - The USA: a New Literacies desert?
- 23rd April - Hog roasts, Amazon EC2 and traffic lights.
- 22nd April - Digital Media Literacy in Australia
- 21st April - How to do battle with Status Quo. And win.
- 17th April - New literacies (or the lack of them) in Singapore
- 12th April - I Got 99 Problems But a Workflow Ain’t One.
- 4th April - Mobile phone ban? #govephonehome
- 3rd April - ‘Digital literacy’ in Norway?
- 1st April - Purpos/ed featured in the TES
- 30th March - mobiMOOC: 2 April – 14 May 2011
- 28th March - My thesis is your thesis.
- 25th March - Bad Trip
- 22nd March - Revolutionary tools do not a revolution make.
- 21st March - My research is your research.
- 20th March - Collaboration, perception, and context.
- 19th March - Trajectories of ambiguity: my first journal article.
- 17th March - Web apps and workflows
- 17th March - Digital literacy, e-safety and donating to Japan
- 16th March - Is digital literacy ‘in crisis’?
- 15th March - Using Digital Media to Improve Teaching and Learning
- 12th March - Feeding back.
- 10th March - What’s the opposite of ‘digital Taylorism’?
- 9th March - New Literacies and ‘worked examples’
- 6th March - i’m in ur conference startin a revolushunz
- 5th March - Feed me! Feed me NOW!
- 3rd March - Less shiny.
- 2nd March - Gestures as semiotic domains
- 1st March - HOWTO: Create a clickable tag cloud using Tagul
- 26th February - The perils of shiny shiny educational technology.
- 25th February - Effective learning and the physicality of the classroom.
- 25th February - Speaking in Lolcats: What Literacy Means in teh Digital Era
- 20th February - Reflecting on New Literacies
- 20th February - Futurelab’s Digital Literacy: professional development resource
- 17th February - Digital literacy and the public/private boundary
- 15th February - Why everyone should learn a little History and Philosophy.
- 11th February - More on the (fragile) nature of reality.
- 10th February - #ukedchat TONIGHT about #purposed
- 10th February - Digital media literacy in the 2011 Horizon report
- 8th February - Social media, backlash and the nature of reality.
- 3rd February - Productivity via Moleskine notebook indexing.
- 2nd February - Reflecting on Day 1 of Purpos/ed
- 1st February - BOOM! Purpos/ed launches.
- 27th January - Why I spent my twenties unlearning my teenage years.
- 25th January - One week to go until we launch #purposed!
- 23rd January - Operationalising digital literacy #1: Wikileaks
- 21st January - Educational philosophy, the zeitgeist, and #purposed
- 20th January - Nobody knows what digital literacy is.
- 19th January - Liminality and spare capacity
- 17th January - The Productivity Prompting Box
- 16th January - Best of Belshaw
- 14th January - 30 things I’ve learned in 30 years.
- 11th January - How I’m organising my digital outputs in 2011
- 10th January - Why I’ve re-designated Synechism as CC0
- 10th January - 10 things I did during Belshaw Black Ops.
- 17th December - Belshaw Black Ops.
- 16th December - My most ‘engaging’ posts of 2010
- 14th December - Creative Ambiguity and Digital Literacy
- 12th December - Things I Learned This Week #50
- 11th December - Weeknote #30
- 10th December - [INCOMING] Personal digital hiatus.
- 8th December - Models of Learning: #tmoxon presentation
- 5th December - Things I Learned This Week – #49
- 4th December - Weeknote #30
- 2nd December - Online Educa Berlin 2010
- 30th November - JISC Mobile and Wireless Technologies Review
- 29th November - Dell Latitude 2110: a review.
- 28th November - Things I Learned This Week – #48
- 27th November - JISC Innovating e-Learning 2010 Online Conference – #jiscel10
- 27th November - Weeknote #29
- 23rd November - Blogging: 5 things I’ve learned in 5 years.
- 21st November - Things I Learned This Week – #47
- 20th November - Weeknote #28
- 18th November - HOWTO: Roll your own #twebay
- 17th November - 5 ways Twitter could revolutionize education.
- 16th November - You don’t ‘build’ better teachers.
- 14th November - Interesting North 2010
- 13th November - Things I Learned This Week – #46
- 13th November - Weeknote #27
- 12th November - The one thing I never want my son to say again.
- 11th November - User outcomes: bona fides.
- 11th November - #amazonfail: a perspective
- 10th November - Do you remember the first time?
- 7th November - Types of relationship and communities of ‘ought’.
- 7th November - Things I Learned This Week – #45
- 6th November - Weeknote #26
- 5th November - ‘So… what do you do?’ (v2)
- 5th November - Top 10 Links I Shared This Week – #5
- 4th November - The best blog posts I’ve ever written, by category.
- 3rd November - Things I’m Thinking About
- 3rd November - Use is not strategy.
- 1st November - Major blog redesign.
- 1st November - Digging deeper: some considerations for blog design.
- 31st October - Why we don’t celebrate Hallowe’en in our house
- 31st October - Things I Learned This Week – #44
- 30th October - Weeknote #25
- 29th October - Top 10 Links I Shared This Week – #4
- 27th October - A story of three requests.
- 26th October - Too many bricks, not enough mortar.
- 25th October - Doug on Productivity – Episode 5
- 24th October - Things I Learned This Week – #43
- 23rd October - Weeknote #24
- 22nd October - Top 10 Links I Shared This Week – #3
- 21st October - Edtech companies: inspiring or conspiring?
- 20th October - mLearn 2010
- 19th October - Meeting with Ed.D. thesis supervisor: restructuring
- 18th October - Doug on Productivity – Episode 4
- 17th October - Notifo: a notifications inbox
- 17th October - Ed.D. thesis restructure
- 17th October - Things I Learned This Week – #42
- 16th October - Weeknote #23
- 15th October - Top 10 Links I Shared This Week – #2
- 12th October - Got 5 seconds? Help with the redesign of this blog!
- 11th October - Doug on Productivity – Episode 3
- 10th October - Things I Learned This Week – #41
- 9th October - How not to write a thesis.
- 9th October - Weeknote #22
- 8th October - Glowing first review of #uppingyourgame!
- 7th October - My 5 favourite non-fiction books
- 6th October - Oxford E-Learning Debate 2010
- 5th October - Mr. Men on the opposite of productivity
- 4th October - Doug on Productivity – Episode 2
- 3rd October - Performativity, fetishism & the aristocracy of everyone.
- 3rd October - Things I Learned This Week – #40
- 2nd October - Weeknote #21
- 1st October - 10 Things I Shared This Week – #1
- 1st October - #uppingyourgame: finished and now on sale!
- 30th September - Things I Learned This Month – September 2010
- 29th September - MoLeNET Conference
- 29th September - 3 reasons teachers should smile
- 27th September - Doug on Productivity – Episode 1
- 26th September - Things I Learned This Week – #39
- 25th September - Weeknote #20
- 24th September - Why parents don’t engage with schools
- 23rd September - 5 things it’s currently fashionable to say (without much evidence)
- 22nd September - 3 things common to most successful people
- 22nd September - Why I’ve turned off GMail Priority Inbox
- 22nd September - Scottish Learning Festival 2010
- 22nd September - What goes into my conference bag?
- 21st September - Is now a good time to get an iPad?
- 20th September - Creativity: confusing inputs with outputs.
- 19th September - Things I Learned This Week – #38
- 18th September - Weeknote #19
- 16th September - HOWTO: Use Evernote to take notes on books.
- 15th September - Pragmatism, dead metaphors & the myth of the echo chamber.
- 14th September - How is as important as why.
- 12th September - Things I Learned This Week – #37
- 11th September - Weeknote #18
- 11th September - A response to Donald Clark’s #altc2010 keynote
- 10th September - #uppingyourpresentation
- 9th September - The 3 most important things I learned at ALT-C 2010
- 6th September - Free schools: the good, the bad and the ugly.
- 5th September - Your anti-ebook rhetoric is like a broken record.
- 5th September - Things I Learned This Week – #36
- 4th September - Weeknote #17
- 3rd September - 10 reasons I like reading ebooks more than paper books.
- 2nd September - Greplin: potential solver of a huge problem?
- 2nd September - Go to conferences? Use Lanyrd.
- 31st August - Methodology for Pragmatists
- 30th August - UX: 5 valuable resources
- 29th August - Things I Learned This Week – #35
- 28th August - Weeknote #16
- 27th August - Let me tell you what I think ‘this’ is.
- 27th August - I sync therefore I am.
- 26th August - Embedding a live Twitter search in Keynote 09
- 23rd August - Innovation, productivity and frames of reference
- 22nd August - Things I Learned This Week – #34
- 21st August - Weeknote #15
- 20th August - What’s this?
- 20th August - #runningtunes
- 16th August - I am not a person who teaches.
- 16th August - 5 characteristics of successful organisations
- 15th August - Things I Learned This Week – #33
- 14th August - Weeknote #14
- 13th August - 5 reasons to avoid seeing ‘The Expendables’
- 12th August - New metaphors and symbols required!
- 10th August - Google Apps Marketplace: apps worth installing
- 9th August - Productivity: don’t break the chain!
- 8th August - Things I Learned This Week – #32
- 7th August - Write lots? Buy this.
- 7th August - Weeknote #13
- 4th August - Why I’m not the Wizard of Oz
- 4th August - The freeze-thaw method of technology integration.
- 3rd August - Google Knol: the future of academic journals?
- 2nd August - Calling myself into the office: August 2010
- 1st August - Experience, skill, and user experience.
- 1st August - Things I Learned This Week – #31
- 31st July - 3 ways to influence people.
- 31st July - The sublime and the ridiculous.
- 31st July - Weeknote #12
- 29th July - Google Earth for #GTAUK
- 25th July - Things I Learned This Week – #30
- 24th July - Weeknote #11
- 22nd July - One week until #GTAUK
- 22nd July - 3 things I need to maintain my productivity.
- 21st July - Motivation comes from within.
- 21st July - Intention vs. Effect
- 19th July - You are what you habitually do.
- 19th July - Is it time to get rid of secondary schools?
- 19th July - Productivity: value your time
- 18th July - The importance of domain knowledge
- 18th July - Things I Learned This Week – #29
- 17th July - Weeknote #10
- 15th July - Flying without wings
- 14th July - Highest common denominator.
- 12th July - Recontextualization.
- 11th July - Things I Learned This Week – #28
- 10th July - Weeknote #9
- 9th July - On Minimalism.
- 8th July - Academic reading on the Amazon Kindle
- 7th July - #GTAUK: Google Earth wiki & ebook
- 6th July - A life in my technological day.
- 5th July - Calling myself into the office: July 2010
- 4th July - Things I Learned This Week – #27
- 3rd July - Weeknote #8
- 1st July - TeachMeet SHP Edition 2010
- 30th June - Are we doing young people a disservice?
- 29th June - Why do we use technology?
- 28th June - 5 steps to making other people more productive.
- 27th June - Things I Learned This Week – #26
- 26th June - Weeknote #7
- 25th June - How to design the ultimate presentation.
- 24th June - Wabi-sabi, Mono no aware & creative ambiguity
- 23rd June - Open Educational Resources infoKit
- 22nd June - Hands-on with the Dell Streak.
- 20th June - Things I Learned This Week – #25
- 19th June - Weeknote #6
- 18th June - Designing for Creative Ambiguity
- 17th June - HOWTO: Google Scholar email alerts
- 16th June - Moving beyond ’21st century skills’
- 15th June - …and 5 reasons why I bought a Dell Streak again.
- 14th June - Productivity: choose your friction.
- 13th June - Things I Learned This Week – #24
- 12th June - Weeknote #5
- 11th June - 10 reasons I returned my Dell Streak today.
- 10th June - Freire, Conscientization & Digital Literacy
- 9th June - Apply for Google Teacher Academy UK!
- 7th June - Calling myself into the office: June 2010
- 6th June - Things I Learned This Week – #23
- 5th June - Weeknote #4
- 4th June - The post-Becta, QCDA and GTCE future.
- 3rd June - Digital literacy: a function of poor design?
- 2nd June - 5 genuinely useful Twitter tools.
- 1st June - The future of mobile is open and smart.
- 31st May - The 3 biggest productivity-killers.
- 30th May - Things I Learned This Week – #22
- 29th May - Weeknote #3
- 28th May - Shut happens.
- 27th May - My bMoble TeachMeet presentation
- 24th May - Establishing your productivity ‘endgame’
- 23rd May - Things I Learned This Week – #21
- 22nd May - Weeknote #2
- 20th May - bMobLe Conference 2010
- 20th May - The Hyperlinked Society [Full Review]
- 17th May - How to find your ‘productive song’.
- 16th May - Things I Learned This Week – #20
- 15th May - Weeknote #1
- 9th May - Things I Learned This Week – #19
- 7th May - A short note on syndication
- 4th May - Google Wave: now with added usefulness.
- 3rd May - Calling myself into the office: May 2010
- 2nd May - Things I Learned This Week – #18
- 1st May - Innovation: where it’s at.
- 30th April - Roadbud: a new iPhone app for runners [Review]
- 30th April - TeachMeet North East 2010
- 28th April - Wednesday Wisdom #17: Prize intensity.
- 26th April - 7 things the Bible taught me about productivity.
- 25th April - Things I Learned This Week – #17
- 24th April - My resumé as a London Underground map.
- 23rd April - 10 things I’ve learned since starting work for JISC
- 21st April - Wednesday Wisdom #16: Thumbscrews
- 20th April - The first new media election?
- 20th April - Support Northumbria Conference 2010
- 19th April - My interview on Productivity for educators
- 18th April - Things I Learned This Week – #16
- 17th April - Recommended Design-related blogs
- 16th April - Best 3 things about my new job?
- 16th April - If I were trapped on a Desert Island…
- 15th April - Why I bought a Sony Reader ebook reader today.
- 14th April - Wednesday Wisdom #15: Credulity
- 13th April - JISC Conference 2010
- 12th April - JISC Conference 2010: Introductory Debate
- 12th April - HOWTO: Productively hack your workday.
- 12th April - Rationale
- 11th April - Things I Learned This Week – #15
- 10th April - Leadership by Design.
- 8th April - Why I use Google stuff
- 7th April - Wednesday Wisdom #14: Imagination
- 6th April - Some reflections on the organization of #BectaX
- 5th April - #uppingyourgame v0.5 now available!
- 4th April - Things I Learned This Week – #14
- 3rd April - Education is easy – in theory! [visualization]
- 2nd April - Music I’m running to at the moment,
- 1st April - The end of the beginning.
- 1st April - Leaving the circus
- 31st March - Wednesday Wisdom #13: Erudition
- 30th March - Learning Score, a lesson-planning tool. [Review]
- 28th March - Things I Learned This Week – #13
- 27th March - #newleaders is #movemeon for… guess who?
- 26th March - What I learned about education whilst in the UAE
- 25th March - A partial review of ‘The Hyperlinked Society’
- 24th March - Wednesday Wisdom #12: Things have their period
- 21st March - Things I Learned This Week – #12
- 19th March - Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?
- 18th March - The ambiguity of new literacies [mindmap]
- 17th March - Wednesday Wisdom #11: Exaggerated expectations
- 15th March - #uppingyourgame v0.4 now available!
- 14th March - Things I Learned This Week – #11
- 13th March - A brief history of infographics.
- 12th March - You’re doing it wrong.
- 11th March - Seven types of ambiguity and new literacies
- 10th March - Wednesday Wisdom #10: Application and ability
- 9th March - HOWTO: Create iTunes audiobooks from MP3s
- 8th March - #uppingyourgame: an audio preview
- 7th March - Advertising vs. Sponsorship
- 7th March - Things I Learned This Week – #10
- 5th March - Escaping the circus.
- 4th March - Ten big questions for education
- 1st March - #getthatjob: now FREE
- 28th February - Why did I make #getthajob free?
- 28th February - Things I learned this week – #9
- 26th February - 5 tips for new bloggers
- 26th February - My favourite proverbs from around the world.
- 25th February - How I organize my Ed.D. thesis
- 24th February - Wednesday Wisdom #8: Excellence needs some polish
- 23rd February - Alternatives to Google
- 22nd February - #getthatjob: my guide to applying for teaching-related jobs
- 21st February - Things I learned this week – #8
- 20th February - Blog post popularity as a treemap [infographic]
- 19th February - Modern procrastination and cycling trivialities.
- 17th February - Wednesday Wisdom #7: Cultivate relationships
- 16th February - iPhone apps I currently use.
- 15th February - #uppingyourgame v0.3 now available!
- 14th February - Things I learned this week – #7
- 13th February - Google Buzz is not a Twitter-killer.
- 12th February - Tenori-on, Little Boots and Melodica
- 11th February - Some considerations regarding ebook readers for academics.
- 10th February - Wednesday Wisdom #6: Avoid the faults of your nation.
- 9th February - Some thoughts about online privacy.
- 8th February - Finding your ‘well’ of productivity and motivation.
- 7th February - Things I learned this week – #6
- 6th February - Worldwide car colour popularity [infographic]
- 5th February - Towards a fitter Doug.
- 4th February - Initial thoughts on Digital Competence/Literacy/Flow
- 3rd February - Wednesday Wisdom #5: Avoid outshining your superiors
- 2nd February - A quick way to add a ‘sparkline’ to your blog.
- 1st February - #uppingyourgame (v0.2) now ready!
- 31st January - Things I learned this week – #5
- 30th January - A subtle redesign.
- 29th January - Daniel Pink on motivation.
- 28th January - Literacy -> Digital Flow: The Autotelic Self
- 27th January - Wednesday Wisdom #4: Ruling your impulses
- 26th January - Why I no longer wear a watch.
- 25th January - A tribute to Dan Meyer.
- 24th January - Things I learned this week – #4
- 23rd January - GCSE results by location/ethnicity [visualization]
- 22nd January - BumpTop: ‘interesting’ or genuinely useful?
- 21st January - Literacy -> Digital Flow: Tetrads & Connectivism.
- 20th January - Wednesday Wisdom #3: Arriving at completeness
- 19th January - Learning Score
- 18th January - #uppingyourgame: an educator’s guide to productivity (v0.1)
- 17th January - Things I learned this week – #3
- 16th January - My visual resumé [infographic]
- 15th January - NOT Friday Fun
- 14th January - Literacy -> Digital Flow: digital epistemologies & ontology.
- 13th January - Wednesday Wisdom #2: The value of novelty
- 12th January - The new blog order.
- 11th January - My favourite music of the ‘noughties’.
- 10th January - Things I learned this week – #2
- 9th January - Off-site and cloud-based backup: my solution.
- 8th January - Some Friday fun!
- 7th January - Literacy -> Digital Flow: dialectic.
- 6th January - Wednesday Wisdom #1: Character and intellect
- 5th January - Feedback: why you read this blog.
- 4th January - Mac OSX apps I currently use.
- 3rd January - Things I learned this week – #1
- 1st January - Commitments for 2010.
- 31st December - Read what I’ve read: 2009 edition.
- 30th December - OpenBeta: a publishing model.
- 29th December - Why do you read this blog?
- 28th December - If I wrote a book, would you buy it?
- 24th December - Merry Christmas!
- 23rd December - #blogsilike
- 22nd December - Twenty-nine.
- 21st December - #movemeon book now available!
- 21st December - Google: excellence and diversity?
- 20th December - How I deal with email.
- 19th December - Hyperlocality and iterating towards 2.0
- 18th December - My digital reading workflow.
- 17th December - A non-Luddite rebuttal of technology integration?
- 16th December - Meeting with Ed.D. thesis supervisor: the roadmap for 2010.
- 15th December - The evolution of communication.
- 14th December - The future of my Ed.D. thesis.
- 13th December - ‘Information literacy’: its history and problems.
- 12th December - #eduhivefive (a suggestion).
- 11th December - The history of ‘new literacies’.
- 10th December - Best of Belshaw (2009)
- 9th December - Beyond Creative Commons: uncopyright.
- 8th December - The problem with free stuff.
- 7th December - E-safety: the ‘googleability test’ (a suggestion).
- 6th December - #twitter365 (2009)
- 5th December - The difference between visualizations and infographics.
- 4th December - Social media, open standards & curmudgeonliness.
- 3rd December - On the glorious weirdness of connecting with people online.
- 2nd December - 10 things people like me want for Christmas.
- 1st December - My #TMETRU09 presentation: #movemeon & CPD via Twitter
- 28th November - Research supporting collaborative, enquiry-based learning.
- 28th November - Back to (theme) basics.
- 27th November - A useful way to categorise educational technologies.
- 26th November - Design the (e-)book cover for #movemeon!
- 21st November - Affinity spaces, secondary orality & digital epistemologies.
- 19th November - #movemeon – a suggestion.
- 19th November - My first infographic competition.
- 14th November - Infographics and my future.
- 5th November - Learning and growing.
- 1st November - 12 educational ways of using
- 28th October - Learning objectives: the importance of trigger verbs
- 27th October - How I mark students’ books.
- 25th October - Got a blog? Do this simple thing to boost your readership.
- 24th October - The difference between ‘crowdsourcing’ and being lazy.
- 24th October - Why Ewan McIntosh *was* (partly) wrong.
- 23rd October - Learning objectives: the basics
- 22nd October - It’s energy that matters, not the hours you put in.
- 20th October - How to restore a very large MySQL file without errors.
- 18th October - What to do when your ‘get up and go’ has got up and left.
- 17th October - On the importance of ‘real-world learning’
- 14th October - Where we’re headed with the Academy’s E-Learning ecosystem.
- 13th October - Leadership by smiling.
- 12th October - 3 ways Google Wave could be used in the classroom.
- 8th October - Who are you and where do you come from?
- 6th October - Activity, Passivity and Failure.
- 5th October - Sign up for TeachMeet ETRU edition 09!
- 3rd October - Carol Dweck on ‘growth mindsets’ and motivation.
- 28th September - Assessment in UK schools: a convenient hypocrisy?
- 24th September - E-Learning Strategy Overview (a.k.a. my 3-year plan)
- 21st September - ‘So… what do you do?’
- 19th September - What I learned about leadership from Seth Godin’s ‘Tribes’.
- 18th September - elearnr posts now at
- 15th September - Leadership by gesture.
- 6th September - A Week of Divesting: Reflections
- 5th September - A Week of Divesting: Blog design
- 4th September - A Week of Divesting: Software
- 3rd September - A Week of Divesting: ‘Analogue Time’
- 2nd September - A Week of Divesting: Domains [incl. a competition!]
- 1st September - A Week of Divesting: Media
- 31st August - A Week of Divesting: an introduction
- 30th August - Why I’m trying to make myself redundant.
- 29th August - Join us for EdTechRoundUp 2009/10!
- 28th August - Director of E-Learning: Doug Belshaw
- 24th August - Quit whinging and ‘use the difficulty’!
- 19th August - Why digital literacy != the ‘aftermath’ of literacy
- 16th August - A (temporary) farewell to a hero.
- 13th August - The story behind the new design of
- 9th August - My ‘Edonis’ interview with David Noble
- 4th August - The 8 C’s of digital literacy
- 1st August - Which is the best netbook operating system?
- 1st August - Watch my Ed.D. thesis grow in real-time…
- 17th July - The Big Move
- 15th July - HOWTO: Present using Cooliris (advanced)
- 12th July - Leadership Day roundup
- 9th July - Be more productive: take ‘caffeine naps’.
- 9th July - Pure gold nuggets from Shirky
- 7th July - HOWTO: Present using Cooliris (the basics…)
- 2nd July - How to Lead: Being Professional
- 2nd July - How to Lead: Being Positive
- 30th June - How to Lead: Focusing on People
- 26th June - Thinking of changing this blog…
- 26th June - Four ways to understand organizational change
- 25th June - Are organizations like brains?
- 19th June - Acceptable Use Policy – feedback required!
- 19th June - What I learned at TeachMeet North East 09
- 18th June - Lord Bilimoria on leadership.
- 18th June - Gill Rider on leadership.
- 18th June - Colin Day on leadership.
- 18th June - David Brandon on leadership.
- 7th June - Why governmental educational reforms fail.
- 3rd June - How to promote organizational innovation.
- 2nd June - One step ahead of the storm.
- 27th May - The 3 key elements of productivity.
- 20th May - Stepping out of the stream.
- 17th May - Digital Literacy and the ‘Digital Society’
- 15th May - My presentation @ TeachMeet Midlands 2009
- 13th May - Why (educational) technology?
- 13th April - Telling a new story.
- 12th April - Ignore everybody.
- 8th April - Conversations about (new) literacies
- 2nd April - The Big E-Learning Questions
- 27th March - How E-Learning can contribute to raising achievement
- 19th March - Flow and the Autotelic Classroom
- 11th March - The six month slap-in-the-face for UK teachers
- 9th March - Podcasting: a 3-step guide
- 28th February - “You can tell a lot about someone from what they’re like.”
- 24th February - The evolution of EdTechRoundUp
- 23rd February - Ways to find great resources and ideas for lessons
- 21st February - Quasi-motivational posters
- 20th February - Under-promise and Over-deliver: the language of productivity.
- 18th February - Open Source Schools curriculum meeting
- 17th February - Why ‘digital literacy’ is central to 21st century education.
- 15th February - Digital things upon which I *do* and *would* spend real cash.
- 9th February - Meeting with Ed.D. thesis supervisor: the way ahead
- 8th February - The Problem with Promotion
- 6th February - Dilbert on ‘learner voice’
- 4th February - Interesting ways to use Twitter in the classroom
- 1st February - My Ed.D. thesis concept map on ‘Digital Literacy’
- 1st February - New music section at
- 1st February - ‘Following’ me on Twitter? These people are!
- 27th January - HOWTO: Add an RSS feed to Google Sites
- 26th January - ‘Flow’ and the waste of free time
- 25th January - Podcasting: Step 2 – Recording and editing your podcast
- 25th January - My Computing History
- 19th January - Hannon: ‘Reflecting on Literacy in Education’
- 19th January - Podcasting: Step 1 – RSS and setting up a teacher blog
- 18th January - Safeguarding: the next step in the transition to Web 3.0?
- 17th January - BETT 2009, TeachMeet & and iPhone misfortunes
- 15th January - What if….?
- 14th January - BETT 2009 and EdTechRoundup
- 13th January - The Third Conversation
- 12th January - Gunther Kress on Literacy
- 5th January - The problem(s) of 21st century literacy/ies
- 4th January - 7 Things You May Not Know About Me
- 31st December - Top 25: The Best of Belshaw 2008
- 24th December - Merry Christmas!
- 22nd December - I’m 28, I’m not *old*…
- 17th December - Productivity: the problem for me, summed up in two images.
- 15th December - SEN Department E-Learning Session
- 11th December - elearnr: what have I been up to?
- 7th December - Wanna buy my Macbook?
- 6th December - Productivity, Organization & #tweetmeet
- 3rd December - 3 reasons I’m against the Edublog Awards
- 3rd December - The Simpsons ‘do’ Apple…
- 3rd December - Beyond boring Powerpoint presentations.
- 2nd December - The very best of
- 29th November - Interesting Ways to use Netbooks in the Classroom
- 28th November - Finally! a video that explains what I’m aiming for as a teacher.
- 26th November - How to use Google Earth more effectively.
- 17th November - Forms of Literacy
- 12th November - First photos with my new Canon 1000D digital SLR
- 10th November - ‘Literacy’
- 10th November - Take your computer with you with PortableApps!
- 5th November - The Vortex of Uncompetence
- 5th November - Getting to grips with the school email system
- 3rd November - More on Teaching as a Subversive Activity
- 29th October - Living offline
- 21st October - What does it take to build a community?
- 20th October - 3 ways to prevent being ‘unfollowed’ on Twitter
- 19th October - Digital Permanence: Death & Data
- 15th October - Why we should adopt the OA5 system in education
- 13th October - Give your students a voice with VoiceThread
- 11th October - My Ed.D. thesis: introduction and a ?
- 5th October - What to do when you can’t be RSSed…
- 1st October - Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour.
- 30th September - Politics: the biggest problem in education
- 28th September - Teacher as Game Show Host?
- 27th September - Good teaching is good teaching.
- 26th September - Doug’s first world tour!
- 25th September - Blue Skies Thinking vs. Grey Skies Thinking
- 24th September - 4 reasons you should jailbreak your iPhone 3G
- 22nd September - Creating a homework blog in 3 simple steps using email
- 16th September - I’ll tell you this for free…
- 16th September - Librarian blogs and social networks
- 15th September - Good ideas, sheep and wolves.
- 13th September - How to find and download YouTube videos for use in the classroom
- 9th September - Dilbert on ‘best practice’
- 9th September - Some questions about teaching
- 8th September - 10 ways to use your interactive whiteboard more effectively
- 6th September - 10 ways to make your working day more productive
- 2nd September - My way or the highway.
- 28th August - Class spreadsheet for teachers
- 26th August - How to use your interactive whiteboard more effectively
- 21st August - Posterous
- 18th August - elearnr – new blog for a new role!
- 17th August - Twitter Fantasy Football
- 3rd August - 4 quotations that will guide me next academic year
- 1st August - 3 reasons I returned my iPhone 3G
- 29th July - My life in the next couple of weeks…
- 22nd July - My new Digital Literacies codex
- 17th July - Synaesthesia, migraines and creativity
- 16th July - Help me fill in the gaps.
- 13th July - Knowledge vs Experience
- 12th July - ‘In The Night Garden’ as a communist utopia
- 12th July - I am Spart-arthus!
- 11th July - I need YOUR help with the future of
- 6th July - Skype Captain and the World of Tomorrow
- 5th July - An invitation to a conversation…
- 30th June - Social Fabric
- 23rd June - I want educational technology to be boring.
- 19th June - 2 Amazing Firefox plugins: Stylish & Feedly
- 17th June - Censorship and the Personal/Professional divide
- 16th June - Introducing TweetMeet
- 14th June - The stream becomes a trickle…
- 9th June - Posts imported from
- 8th June - I’m a published author!
- 7th June - Gym’ll Fix It!
- 3rd June - Help me write my job spec. for next year!
- 2nd June - AUP 2.0
- 30th May - Are you an ‘Edupunk’? I’m not.
- 28th May - I’ve sold my Asus Eee 4G. What now?
- 24th May - Some web-hosting advice, please…
- 18th May - What is a VLE?
- 15th May - redesign
- 12th May - That’s my boy!
- 9th May - Are you Alice, Dilbert, or the Boss?
- 5th May - Holiday in North Yorkshire
- 30th April - Questions about the future of education
- 29th April - The Working Classes
- 28th April - I’m going to miss this…
- 28th April - We have a winner!
- 27th April - What is ‘digital literacy’? It’s certainly not this…
- 23rd April - Animoto now free for educators
- 23rd April - Meme machine
- 22nd April - Is a degree enough?
- 21st April - Competition: win a Macvatar Macbook skin!
- 17th April - Educational Technology Integration Matrix
- 16th April - 10 ‘Home Truths’ about Schooling and Education
- 12th April - On having a space to myself
- 12th April - Things I’ve been reading online recently
- 10th April - A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.
- 10th April - The saddest picture in the world…
- 9th April - I’ve started using Twitter with my pupils…
- 7th April - Use Your Head.
- 5th April - Seminal blog posts
- 1st April - April Fools Day, Google-style…
- 28th March - Is Twitter bad for you?
- 27th March - New Asus eee user? Read this!
- 25th March - A DVD-ripping guide for educators: Part 2
- 24th March - Eee-aye, eee-aye, eee-aye… oh.
- 24th March - A DVD-ripping guide for educators: Part 1
- 23rd March - EdTechRoundup 3 featuring Yours Truly
- 22nd March - A win at last!
- 21st March - AppleTV? Pah!
- 20th March - Recommend me 3
- 17th March - We’ve sold!
- 13th March - Google Apps proposal
- 13th March - Better off because of Budget?
- 11th March - Is handwriting dead?
- 5th March - 4 blogs that enhance my productivity
- 2nd March - Monthly Roundup (February 2008)
- 2nd March - Edmodo: Twitter for education?
- 1st March - 15 days of Google answers
- 28th February - Google Sites – wikis for Google Apps users!
- 26th February - (Google) Talk to me!
- 26th February - Classroom organization and its relation to pedagogy
- 25th February - 3 ‘well, duh’ BBC Education articles
- 23rd February - Don’t miss Stephen Fry’s blog and podcast
- 23rd February - Windows Live SkyDrive
- 21st February - THIS is how technology can enhance learning
- 17th February - Ken Robinson on creativity v2
- 14th February - More on mobile phone projectors
- 13th February - Be notified of follow-up comments
- 13th February - Why ‘high culture’ for pupils is highly wrong-headed
- 12th February - 3 strikes and then out for UK ‘illegal’ downloaders?
- 12th February - Benjamin Belshaw’s 1st Year
- 11th February - Hacking an AppleTV v1.1
- 9th February - How to turn your Nokia phone into a wireless hotspot
- 6th February - Using Google mobile apps in schools
- 4th February - EdTechRoundup: Episode 2
- 4th February - Animoto rocks! Here’s proof…
- 2nd February - WordPress customization
- 2nd February - Asus unveil new Eee PC’s
- 31st January - Context is everything
- 31st January - Schools SHOULD be small!
- 30th January - House up for sale
- 27th January - Pimp your 5g iPod Video to look like an iPod Touch
- 27th January - 5 things School of Rock can teach us about real education
- 26th January - Page Peel Script
- 25th January - Google Apps in China? A response for EdTechRoundup
- 23rd January - 7 ways to improve your productivity as a teacher
- 22nd January - 5 ways to make ‘textbook lessons’ more interesting
- 20th January - EdTechRoundup needs your help with Google Apps UK!
- 18th January - Ben can almost walk!
- 17th January - RM Asus Minibook
- 17th January - EdTechRoundup podcasts are go!
- 17th January - Skribit: Suggest topics for me to blog about
- 16th January - Mac OSX: changing spots back to stripes
- 15th January - Emotional truancy
- 13th January - New header image
- 13th January - Why schools should exclusively use free software
- 12th January - Reflections on BETT 2008
- 11th January - @ BETT 2008
- 11th January - I don’t like paper
- 11th January - BETT 2008
- 10th January - My Seminar at BETT
- 9th January - Hi, my name’s Doug Belshaw…
- 9th January - Mobile phone projectors? Now we’re talking…
- 2nd January - Ed.D. Thesis Proposal (almost there!)
- 31st December - Read what I’ve read: my books of 2007
- 28th December - ‘I Am Legend’ has it all
- 28th December - No place for ‘gadgets’ in the classroom?
- 19th December - Lost my contacts
- 16th December - Ed.D. blog moves home
- 15th December - Paradigms within research methodology
- 15th December - Why’s everyone using Pownce?
- 12th December - Facebook in the future?
- 9th December - More on Research Methodologies
- 8th December - Research Methodologies
- 29th November - Hakia: web search with meaning
- 29th November - Guide: using Google Apps for Education
- 27th November - Zoho writer now available in offline mode
- 23rd November - Birmingham Leading Edge INSET
- 21st November - Google Presentations now with custom backgrounds
- 19th November - workshop now open!
- 17th November - More on RFID tags in education
- 15th November - Busy, busy, busy…
- 13th November - Sub-$200 PC… and not the OLPC project!
- 10th November - The obligatory iPhone in education post
- 7th November - RFID in school uniforms
- 1st November - Ning now ad-free for educators!
- 27th October - Numeracy improvements thanks to the good doctor
- 27th October - How educational technology should change
- 26th October - Becta warns UK schools off Microsoft
- 24th October - New layout and theme at
- 24th October - Phew! So it’s not ADHD…
- 9th October - Linux on all computers in Russian schools by 2009
- 6th October - PVR comparison and roundup
- 3rd October - The Online Office space hots up
- 30th September - Ben crawling!
- 30th September - Now THIS irritates me…
- 29th September - A day in the library at the University of Durham
- 28th September - Wikispaces now has widgets
- 26th September - Google Docs made simple
- 25th September - Amazon MP3 launches, not for UK
- 18th September - Google Presentations now live!
- 15th September - OLPC laptops about pedagogy, not price
- 13th September - Freebase, oSkope visual search and our relationship to knowledge
- 9th September - Hannah’s new car
- 8th September - Moodle the most popular VLE?
- 8th September - Argument for thesis proposal
- 6th September - Howto: host multiple websites using one web hosting account
- 5th September - Google wikis soon?
- 31st August - New logo
- 31st August - Google Warehouse Model Viewer
- 30th August - Zoho Creator – web forms made easy!
- 29th August - Did You Know? 2.0 UK version – it exists!
- 28th August - Google Phone
- 28th August - SMART Notebook interactive viewer
- 27th August - IT managers should not dictate pedagogy
- 26th August - Information Literacy
- 25th August - Freebase: a useful companion to Wikipedia
- 25th August - Did You Know? 2.0 – UK version?
- 25th August - To-do v2
- 23rd August - Yahoo! Teachers social network
- 22nd August - Two new Google Earth features
- 21st August - Zoho Writer becomes more useful for students
- 20th August - The cinema? Pah!
- 20th August - Change of supervisor
- 16th August - Ilana Snyder
- 14th August - Never again…
- 13th August - Back on the thesis proposal trail…
- 11th August - Unexpected problems
- 10th August - Business as usual – well, not quite…
- 10th August - Expect some downtime
- 10th August - Perfect Promos
- 6th August - 8 Random Facts Meme
- 5th August - Laura & Sean’s wedding
- 2nd August - Zonbu now available
- 2nd August - CommentPress
- 31st July - e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know
- 31st July - Great Ideas
- 31st July - Demotivational posters
- 31st July - Using Google tools for student projects
- 30th July - Deki: Wiki 3.0?
- 28th July - HOWTO: Nintendo DS & Orange Livebox
- 28th July - Comments now working again…
- 27th July - 3D searching with SpaceTime
- 27th July - EdTechTalk
- 25th July - Digital students
- 24th July - Meeting with Ed.D. supervisor – 24 July 2007
- 23rd July - $100 laptop nears production
- 22nd July - National Christian Football Festival 2007
- 20th July - My favourite lolcats
- 20th July - Google Docs keeps getting better…
- 20th July - Edit and merge PDFs for free
- 19th July - Soundsnap: podcast-safe and free!
- 19th July - How to get a GPS fix quicker on the Nokia N95
- 19th July - NESTA ‘Hidden Innovation’ report
- 15th July - The problems with Human Rights legislation
- 13th July - Gelato: WordPress for tumblelogs?
- 11th July - Virtual Desktops: an update
- 11th July - Twitter Screensaver
- 8th July - Picasa Mobile
- 3rd July - Feedburner Pro now free
- 3rd July - TwitterGram
- 2nd July - Great annotated Web 2.0 links
- 30th June - Sausage Roll
- 28th June - Heavens open, schools shut
- 27th June - Free and Open Source educational Mac software
- 27th June - Google Docs update
- 26th June - Apple iPhone vs Nokia N95
- 26th June - OpenSUSE to compete with Edubuntu
- 25th June - Facebook vs. MySpace
- 25th June - Death by Powerpoint
- 24th June - Web 2.0 Backpack
- 20th June - Ed.D. thesis proposal failure
- 17th June - YouTube Remixer
- 17th June - Visit to London village
- 15th June - Google Powerpoint support
- 15th June - RSS Toolbox
- 15th June - Minor update to blog design
- 13th June - How NOT to upgrade your Xbox
- 13th June - GMail for universities
- 13th June - Google Custom Search updated
- 7th June - The end of power cables?
- 7th June - Pageflakes Student Edition
- 4th June - Philosophy
- 2nd June - Podcast directory
- 30th May - Google Street View
- 28th May - My first GPS-tracked run
- 26th May - The 3 quotations I live by
- 26th May - coRank: make your own edtech Digg clone
- 26th May - Google Calendar now mobile
- 21st May - Coursework 2.0
- 6th May - MindMeister
- 1st May - Book review: Wittgenstein’s Poker
- 30th April - Mojiti
- 29th April - Ben in his bouncer (video)
- 26th April - WordPress Theme Generator
- 26th April - More photos of Ben
- 26th April - iQuiz: learning games on an iPod
- 22nd April - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
- 22nd April - Offline Wikipedia
- 22nd April - Ed.D. thesis proposal bibliography
- 22nd April - Ed.D. thesis proposal finished!
- 21st April - Lenovo 3000 N100 and Windows Vista
- 21st April - Google Spreadsheets now with chart capabilities
- 17th April - 21Classes
- 15th April - HOWTO: Collaborate Online
- 12th April - Pay Attention: your students are Digital
- 12th April - RoboBraille
- 12th April - Geekifying my run
- 2nd April - Thesis proposal mindmap
- 2nd April - References to follow up – 2/3 April 2007
- 29th March - Office 2.0 Database
- 28th March - CommentPress
- 28th March - TeacherTube
- 20th March - Schoolr: useful search engine
- 18th March - Happy Mother’s Day Hannah!
- 18th March - WordPress Plugin Repository v2
- 17th March - Jersey job and the return of the Mac
- 10th March - Picasa Web Albums vs. Flickr
- 7th March - The Curse of Our Society
- 7th March - Scribd: YouTube for documents
- 6th March - Technology in exams?
- 5th March - Return of the Mac
- 3rd March - Ralph Wiggum: boy genius
- 2nd March - Introductory quotation
- 2nd March - Another definition of literacy
- 2nd March - References to follow up – 3/3/07
- 1st March - 21st Century Literacy
- 28th February - Firefox Extension: Tab Groups
- 27th February - Voice chat for Second Life
- 27th February - xFruits – the Swiss Army knife for RSS feeds
- 17th February - Steve Jobs outlines his vision of a textbook-free future
- 17th February - More people reading my teaching blog than I thought…
- 16th February - Writing tips from George Orwell
- 16th February - 1 million OLPC laptops already on order!
- 15th February - Intelligence vs. Wisdom
- 14th February - Macbook vs. my new laptop? No contest…
- 14th February - The BBC are Twittering
- 14th February - Sidekiq: all your search belong to us
- 12th February - Macbook woes
- 11th February - My (finely crafted) information environment
- 7th February - GMail now available to everyone!
- 5th February - Picnick: photo editing on the web
- 5th February - Photoshopped animals
- 1st February - PSPs as learning tools
- 31st January - DVD Flick – burn any video file to DVD!
- 28th January - Ed.D. Thesis Proposal, v2
- 28th January - Open Word documents through Google Docs in GMail
- 27th January - Google Book Search now includes Google Maps
- 26th January - Run Doug run
- 25th January - OpenDNS
- 25th January -
- 25th January - Easy conditional formatting in Excel
- 24th January - Hannah and Ben back home
- 23rd January - BBC plans online children’s world
- 23rd January - Flickr slideshow of Benjamin Daniel Jonathan Belshaw
- 23rd January - WordPress 2.1 “Ella” released
- 21st January - RSS feeds = homework?
- 21st January - Human-computer interfaces of the future
- 21st January - Kinaesthetic Data
- 21st January - Pre-release review of the LG Shine (KE970)
- 20th January - The threat of mobile technology
- 20th January - References from ‘Breaking Down the Digital Walls’
- 19th January - Edublogosphere survey results
- 19th January - Learnscaping
- 19th January - Is Podcasting the new Powerpoint?
- 19th January - How computer games help children learn
- 19th January - EDUCAUSE articles
- 19th January - Stacks of Books vs. a Search-Engine Culture
- 19th January - Too much technology in the classroom?
- 19th January - Top Firefox 2 extensions for educators?
- 18th January - Wikiseek
- 17th January - Articles on technology and the future of education
- 13th January - References from ‘Schools and the Changing World’
- 13th January - References from ‘Reclaiming Knowledge’
- 12th January - Systematicity
- 6th January - References to follow up from today’s reading
- 5th January - References from ‘Knowing Knowledge’
- 5th January - Open Thinking & Alec Couros’ PhD dissertation
- 5th January - Expanded thesis proposal outline
- 3rd January - Knowledge Jolt with Jack
- 3rd January - Resources r.e. Dan Pink & ‘A Whole New Mind’
- 3rd January - Knowledge Management & Networks
- 3rd January - Links to training sites/blogs from Jim Belshaw
- 31st December - Ed.D. Thesis Proposal Outline (expanded)
- 27th December - Some ideas about the structure of my thesis proposal essay
- 27th December - What does literacy look like in the 21st century?
- 27th December - 21st Century Skills: not just about ICT
- 27th December - The Pressure for Knowledge to Change
- 26th December - Property, 21st Century Knowledge, and Creative Commons
- 26th December - Connectivism
- 26th December - Groups vs. Networks
- 26th December - Knowledge Management in Education
- 9th December - Email to Gareth Mills (QCA)
- 8th December - The purpose of education? It isn’t this…
- 5th December - Where do educational ideas originate? A digital paper trail…
- 21st November - Barriers to teachers’ use of ICT
- 20th October - The Community as the Text
- 20th October - Managing Organizational Change – diagram
- 4th October - Chris Sessums – ICT and the ‘locus of control’
- 4th October - Papert on Why School Reform is Impossible
- 23rd September - Ed.D. Thesis Proposal Outline
- 23rd September - The difference between groups and networks
- 18th July - Research Methods & Interactive Whiteboards
- 14th July - Tentative area for thesis