Open Thinkering


Month: December 2022

Weeknote 48/2022

Morpeth bus station with Christmas lights. Black and white photo. Fog.

Two more weeks of work to go. Plenty of World Cup group stage drama. Four 5km runs on the treadmill.

I haven’t got loads to say about the last week, to be quite honest. So perhaps I should turn it over to ChatGPT, a pretty amazing AI chatbot from the same people as brought us DALL-E 2.

Actually, let’s give that a go using this prompt:

Write me a weeknote. I work from home on learning, technology, and community stuff.

This is what I got back about five seconds later:

This week, I continued to work from home on a variety of projects related to learning, technology, and community building. One of the highlights of the week was a series of workshops I conducted on the topic of leveraging technology for remote learning.

I began the week by diving into the latest research on the topic, including studies on the effectiveness of online learning platforms and the role of technology in facilitating collaboration among remote teams. I also spent some time exploring new tools and platforms that could potentially be used in future workshops.

On Tuesday, I held the first of the workshops, which focused on introducing participants to the basics of remote learning and the various technologies available to support it. The session was well-attended and generated a lot of discussion among the participants.

On Wednesday, I focused on more advanced topics, such as using technology to facilitate collaboration and communication among remote teams. I demonstrated some of the tools and platforms that I had researched earlier in the week, and participants had the opportunity to try them out for themselves.

In addition to the workshops, I also spent some time this week working on a few community-building initiatives. I reached out to some local organizations to discuss potential partnerships, and I also continued to engage with members of the online learning community through social media and online forums.

Overall, it was a productive and rewarding week, and I’m looking forward to continuing to work on these projects in the coming weeks.

Pretty good, although not what I actually did. It is true that I ran a workshop on Tuesday helping national governing bodies that come under the Sport England umbrella to work more openly. That went well. I also used another AI tool, to transcribe (incredibly accurately) a client’s workshop session that we weren’t able to attend.

Other than that, I had a chat with Christina Bowen who showed me for doing systems thinking diagrams. I did some work on the five different projects I’m involved in at the moment, and got some planning for next year. Laura, John, and I also did some budgeting for our in-person meetup in the Netherlands in January.

It was my mother’s birthday this week, so we went around there. We bought her a present, but in my mind the main gift I’ve given her is upgrading her wifi when we found that the router than came from my parents’ new ISP didn’t allow them to use their new Nest Doorbell properly!

Next week, I’m continuing to finish things off for the year, work-wise, and don’t want to start anything new before WAO‘s three-week shutdown. On Friday, I’m going walking in Northumberland National Park with Aaron Hirtenstein. The week after I’ll be in the Peak District National Park with Bryan Mathers. It’s good to have things to look forward to at this time of year (other than my birthday and Christmas, of course!)

Photo of Morpeth bus station taken on the way to the gym one dark foggy morning. The festive lights make it look rather dystopian with a black and white filter…
