Weeknote 13/2015
This week I’ve been:
- Finishing off my part of the Hive Toronto Privacy badges project. GitHub repo here.
- Submitting my final expenses and health & wellness invoices.
- Writing about Web Literacy Map v1.5 (my last post on the Webmaker blog!)
- Editing the Learning Pathways whitepaper. I’ll do as much as I can, but it’s up to Karen Smith to shepherd from this point forward!
- Backing up everything.
- Catching-up one to one with a few people.
- Leaving Mozilla. I wrote about that here. Some colleagues gave me a Gif tribute send-off and dressed up an inflatable dinosaur in a party hat. Thanks guys!
Dynamic Skillset
- Helping out DigitalMe with an event in Leeds around Open Badges. I wrote that up here.
- Preparing my presentation for a keynote next week.
- Collaborating on a proposal to scope out Open Badges for UK Scouting.
- Replying to lots of people/organisations who’d like to work with me! 🙂
- Finalising things for next week when I start working with City & Guilds for most (OK, nearly all) of my working week.
- Getting to grips with Xero (which is what I’m using for accounting/invoicing)
- Recording Episode 3 of #tidetalks with Dai Barnes. Subscribe here.
- Organising a ICT club in my children’s school for after Easter (loosely based on Mozilla’s draft Web Literacy Basics curriculum)
- Upgrading my Sony Xperia Z Ultra using this ROM.
- Putting together my new IKEA sit/stand desk. I also ordered a carpet for my office (it’s currently just got a laminate floor).
- Writing about Look! Just Phone!
Next week I’m spending most of Monday with my family before heading off to London. I’ll be keynoting and running a workshop at the London College of Fashion conference on Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday I’ll be working from the City & Guilds offices, getting to know people and putting things into motion!
Image CC BY Kenny Louie