Weeknote 13/2014
This week I’ve been:
- Giving up alcohol and coffee in an attempt to stave off migraines. I did have one on Wednesday, but I feel a lot better this week than last.
- Creating an Open Badge for Think Big Brussels. My colleagues Michelle and FuzzyFox rocked the event on behalf of Mozilla. It was in collaboration with Telefonica and Technology Will Save Us. Video here.
- Proud of the open, public conversation Mozilla has had about the controversy surrounding the Mozilla Corporation’s new CEO. It’s a testament to the culture of Mozilla that we feel we can discuss this without repurcussions on our job security.
- Working with the very talented Atul Varma to get a new Webmaker prototype ready for testing. More details here.
- Talking with various people about the upcoming Webmaker badges. The first one will be a Super Mentor badge.
- Finished off a second version of a Webmaker whitepaper with Karen Smith. We’ll be putting it either the Mozilla wiki or GitHub next week for comment.
- Sending some details through to the Oppi Festival about Mozilla’s involvement there next month.
- Getting used to Elementary OS on my MacBook Pro. In the end, I’ve mostly gone back to using my cheap Chromebook as it does 99% of what I want to do.
- Planning a submission around learning analytics to the Open Knowledge Festival with Adam Lofting.
- Moderating this week’s #TeachTheWeb community call.
- Recording a podcast around open publishing with Ian O’Byrne and others. More details here.
Next week is my last full week at home before a busier April (Helsinki/San Francisco).
PS I was invited to Buckingham Palace for a thing on Monday but, after some consideration, I’ve decided not to go. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that. I want to be a citizen, not a subject.
CC BY-NC-SA Mark Stevens