Purpos/ed #500words Take 2
I’m co-kickstarter (with Andy Stewart) of an organisation called Purpos/ed. We’re trying to provoke and sustain public debate around the question What’s the purpose of education?
We’ve had a number of campaigns (and a conference) since we started in February 2011, including a very successful one last year where people contributed 500 words on what they believe to be the purpose(s) of education.
I’m delighted to draw your attention to #500words Take 2, running throughout May 2012. You can see the schedule here: http://bit.ly/purposedu500
If you’d like to follow what’s going on, why not subscribe to the RSS feed, follow us on Twitter (or the hashtag #purposedu), or add us on Google+ or Facebook?
(PS You’re very welcome to send us an ‘unofficial’ contribution – email us at [email protected] with the link!)