Mac OSX apps I currently use.
Michael Arrington (of TechCrunch fame) recently posted his fifth annual list of the tech products he loves and uses every day. Paul Stamatiou updates his Stuff I Use page regularly. People often ask me what apps I use, so here goes in the quickest and easiest way I know how – Flickr with notes*
(if it’s too small to read, you might want to click through!)
* Want to do this yourself? Try this script (which I used) or Mbedr. 🙂
A good app which has only just caught my eye is Viewfinder.
It’s a flickr search tool that pulls together CC images and makes the process of downloading them to your computer a little easier. It’s either free (where you wait 30secs before it downloads) or £15 for paid version.
You might like it as it’s good for finding images to use in blog posts.
Thanks Stuart – find it amusing that an app for finding CC-licensed photos
is paid-for! I tend to use –
works for me. :-)
I posted mine a while back on flickr:
But was too lazy to add many notes.
I prefer iMovie 09 now and GarageBand over audacity (horses for courses). I see you use ImageWell which I must use every day very sweet wee app. Apps I would not like to live without: SuperCard and TextMate.
Nice list Doug. Will be investigating a few of those. Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for sharing, Doug. The Movies app has helped my wife and I ‘negotiate’ which movie to watch this evening ‘The Lovely Bones’ or ‘Invictus’ … :0)
No problem! I think I can guess who’s rooting for which movie… ;-)