Open Thinkering


Best of Belshaw (2009)

Last year I simply listed the ‘top’ 25 posts on this blog from the previous year in Top 25: the Best of Belshaw 2008. This year, I’ve gone one step further: I’ve created a book!

It’s available as a free download as an e-book or to purchase (as cost price) as a physical book from

Best of Belshaw (2009)

And yes, it’s uncopyrighted as well. 🙂

Free copies

I’ve ordered 10 copies and am going to be giving them away for free to the following (UK-based) people who have helped and inspired me this year (in alphabetical order):

  1. Dai Barnes (for his help with EdTechRoundUp)
  2. Lisa Stevens (for being a cheerful, caring sort of person)
  3. Nick Dennis (for being my partner-in-crime on various projects)
  4. Stuart Ridout (for his help with the upcoming #movemeon book)
  5. Tom Barrett (for being a truly inspirational educator and collaborator)

Over and above these I’ll be giving some to members of my family, so I’ll have 2 spare to give away. If you’d like one of these, please leave a comment below explaining why!  Thanks to those who requested a copy in the comments below – the two that were up for grabs are going to Daniel Dainty & Julian Wood! :-p

8 thoughts on “Best of Belshaw (2009)

  1. I wouldn’t mind one to pass around at the next Consultants’ meeting as I think it would provide us with some useful tips and tricks that we can use or discuss when we do ICT healthchecks at schools around the UK.

    We cover all sorts of stuff, from dodgy cabling and poor servers, all the way to watching how teachers use ICT in the classroom and suggest improvements for overcoming barriers to getting teachers to use ICT (including electronic registration, using Outlook efficiently for things like shared calendars and scheduling meetings, and getting the most from an interactive whiteboard).

    Of course I could circulate the e-book via email but it would give me more of a talking point if I could tell people that I’d been chosen to receive a hardback copy and that if people wanted to borrow it from me they could… :)

    1. Thanks Daniel, you get one for being quick to reply and giving a good reason! DM me your address (or use the contact form on my Google Profile) please and I’ll send one to you. :-)

  2. As a kindergarten teacher in the US, I find your posts interesting and very helpful to our district’s goals. We’re attempting more technologically than we ever have, and Twitter and other sites like yours are helping us get our feet wet. We’ve started collaborating with classrooms across the world, using the Web 2.0 tools as a springboard. I’ve started blogging a little, and need all the help I can get there, too! Your innovative blogs are a great inspiration!

  3. I’d love one of your books please Doug.

    It’ll be a cultural exchange-my book is due out anytime now-inathirdspace-creative educational CPD.

    I’ll send you one-If you send me yours!

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