It may be the summer holidays, but I’m busier than ever! After meeting my new thesis supervisor yesterday, I need to get cracking investigating the concept of ‘digital literacy’. I’ve also got an impending deadline for the work I’m doing with Nick Dennis for a publishing company. Not to mention the list Hannah left me when she went down to Devon with Ben to give me some time and space… 😉
Thanks to @langwitches for linking to the image!
The edublogosphere is a wonderful place. It’s a place that’s grown almost exponentially since I joined it 3 years ago, making it a wonderfully diverse arena for discourse. 🙂
However, sometimes it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. How do you get in touch and interact with those facing similar situations and challenges as yourself? In addition to a network, there’s a need for groups.
Enter As I’ve already discussed, is to be a place for educational technology professionals and students. I’ve no financial interest in the project: I’m acting as domain name owner, facilitator, and contributor. 😀
I want it to be a grassroots community, a place for postgraduate students to find people to bounce ideas off, an arena for instructional technologists to discuss barriers and opportunities. But I need YOUR help to get this off the ground.
- If you’re an educational technology professional or student, imagine the type of community to which you’d like to belong.
- Imagine how you’d interact with that community.
- Contribute your ideas to the barnraising section of
- (optional) Share links to good stuff at
- (optional) Get involved in a synchronous chat towards the end of the week (to be organized) about the future of
Although I’ve obviously got my own ideas, I don’t want to be overly-prescriptive. I’m a great believer in the ability of people to organise themselves on a grassroots level. I’ve already been contacted by a great number of people who would seem to be in need of something like this. I know I am – let’s make it work! :-p
*Wondering what I mean by ‘barnraising’? It’s a predominantly Amish practice and a two-day event where the community comes together to build a barn. I first came across this in the film Witness.
I came across CommentPress again recently. It’s a theme for WordPress (which powers this blog) that allows people to comment on each paragraph of a post. I thought it would be a good idea to enable people to comment in this way on my Ed.D. thesis.
Therefore, to make things as simple as possible, I’ve set up a new Edublogs-powered digital codex at:
I say ‘digital codex’ because it’s not a blog, per se, more of an online article. There’s not a lot on there at the moment – just my thesis proposal – but it will grow as I write each chapter of my thesis. 🙂