Open Thinkering


Month: March 2007

Tumblr – a great way to get your students (and colleagues?) blogging!


I came across tumblr this week from a number of sources, including Tony Vincent’s excellent learninginhand blog. It’s a basic, easy-to-use blogging platform with a number of pre-set templates for blog posts: regular, photo, quote, link, conversation, and video.

Pre-set templates @ tumblr (click to enlarge)

The great thing is that tumblr automatically formats the post according to the content, making it even easier for first-time bloggers:

tumblr posts

There’s some advanced options – (custom) themes, hosting it on your own domain, and other blog settings. For those wanting to take things further, tumblr can automatically post things from an RSS feed. Meaning that if you hook it up to a Twitter account, for example, you’ve got a really powerful – yet simple – (mobile) blogging soluion!

Happy Mother’s Day Hannah!

Hannah and Ben

I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly wish my wonderful wife Mrs Hannah Belshaw a very Happy Mothering Sunday. You’re doing an absolutely fantastic job with Ben and if he could speak I’m sure he’d agree that no-one could ask for a more dedicated, loving and all-round brilliant mummy than you.

We love you! 🙂 Continue reading “Happy Mother’s Day Hannah!”
