Open Thinkering


Month: January 2007

Resources r.e. Dan Pink & ‘A Whole New Mind’

A Whole New Mind

Although it seems to have no posts after March 2006, the PSD Pink Study blog seems to be worth investigating, if only for the links it provides to various places where work surrounding that of Dan Pink, author of A Whole New Mind, can be found.

Some links to follow up:

Knowledge Management & Networks

Cognitive Edge image

I’m thinking expanding the scope of my thesis (probably at a time when I should be thinking of focusing a bit more, but never mind). Instead of perpetuating the dividing walls between schools, universities and businesses, perhaps I could look at broader themes and trends and then bring them down to a practical level for each. Kind of what George Siemens has done with Knowing Knowledge – although there’s no way I could write anything as magnificent!

Stephen Downes links today in his OLDaily newsletter to an article by Dave Snowden entitled Natural Numbers, Networks & Communitiies. Dave realizes that attempts to create a taxonomy for knowledge management followed by forcing people to adapt to it does not work. Instead, he advocates embracing the messiness of learning and development through informal communities.

He goes on to talk about natural numbers and the amount of people who should be involved at each stage which isn’t relevant to what I’m doing. What is relevant, however, is his identification of a ‘messy learning’ approach to knowledge management and the ways in which this can be harnessed in a positive way. If only schools were that responsive…?
