Open Thinkering


Month: November 2006

Barriers to teachers’ use of ICT

There’s a report by BECTA from 2003 which reviews research looking at teachers’ uptake of ICT – Barriers and Enablers to Teachers’ Use of ICT

The key barriers are identified as:

  • Confidence, time and access to quality resources are major factors in determining teachers’ engagement with ICT.
  • Recurring technical faults, and the expectation of faults occurring during teaching sessions, are likely to reduce teacher confidence and cause teachers to avoid using the technology in future lessons.
  • Resistance to change is a factor which prevents the full integration of ICT in the classroom. In particular, teachers who do not realise the advantages of using technology in their teaching are less likely to make use of ICT.
  • There are close relationships between many of the identified barriers to ICT use; any factors influencing one barrier are likely also to influence several other barriers. For example teacher confidence is directly affected by levels of personal access to ICT, levels of technical support and the quality of training available.

The key enablers are identified a:

  • leadership and planning
  • sharing of resources
  • reliable technical support
  • schools working with each other and with the local community
  • differentiated training and continuous professional development for teachers
  • participation in national ICT initiatives and projects.