Open Thinkering


Tag: N95

3 reasons I returned my iPhone 3G

A couple of days ago I bought an iPhone 3G. Today I returned it. Although it’s an amazing device and revolutionary, it didn’t really suit me. My Nokia N95 is pretty much exactly what I want at the moment – it’s like comparing a quality family car like our Ford Focus C-MAX with a supercar such as the Koenigsegg CCX:

Whilst it’s great looking at and borrowing someone elses supercar, you wouldn’t want to go to Tesco’s in it, would you? It would be impractical. And so the iPhone proves to be. Here’s the 3 main reasons why I returned the iPhone 3G:

1. It’s difficult to text

With the N95, as with most mobile phones, it’s possible to compose and send text messages with one hand. It’s not straightforward to text on the iPhone – it requires two hands and is fiddly to enter characters using the QWERTY keyboard.

2. Hannah wasn’t happy

Although if I’d really liked it this wouldn’t have been an issue, my wife didn’t like the fact I’d taken out a contract with 02 when I’ve still got a few months remaining on my Orange contract. We get free broadband and VOIP calls with the latter contract, you see… :-p

3. It’s painfully proprietary

Although you can jailbreak it and there are workaround to create your own ringtones on the iPhone, it’s not always straightforward. It makes you feel like you’re using someone else’s device rather than your own. It’s kind of the same reason I bought and then returned a Nintendo Wii earlier this year.

What I’d like to see is a touchscreen tablet, slightly larger than the iPhone, that can connect both to wireless networks and to mobile broadband via HSDPA. I’d carry that around in addition to my N95 (or equivalent). Either that, or something that has a touchscreen and a keyboard… 😀

How to upgrade your Nokia N95 to v12.x firmware and make it a whole lot better

Nokia N95

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to upgrade the firmware on my Nokia N95 after I’d read lots of blog posts saying how wonderful the new version was. In fact, some said it was like having a new phone! Unfortunately, I managed to re-install the same firmware over the top of my existing one and lose all of my contacts and settings in the process! 😮

Continue reading “How to upgrade your Nokia N95 to v12.x firmware and make it a whole lot better”

Lost my contacts

Nokia N95

I should know better than to do potentially disastrous things when I’m tired. But yet, at 10.45pm this evening I updated the firmware on my Nokia N95 and, guess what? I lost all of my contacts. So now I’m going to have to wait until people for whom Hannah hasn’t got the details get it touch with me. I suppose I can put a message on Facebook

If you’re reading this and want to stay in touch, please text me (don’t forget to put your name at the end of the message!) 🙂 Continue reading “Lost my contacts”
