Open Thinkering


Tag: movemeon

Best of Belshaw

Given the recent arrival into the world of Grace Belshaw, a lack of paternity leave due to not working for my current employers for the requisite amount of time, and an Easter deadline for my Ed.D., now would seem a good time to point out that you can download (for free!) my yearly Best of Belshaw books to peruse at your leisure. They’re iPad-friendly and convert well for viewing on the Amazon Kindle and other e-book readers.

Best of Belshaw 2009 Best of Belshaw 2010

For those readers who are educators and haven’t seen the #movemeon book a number of us collaborated on in 2009, you’re missing a treat. Download them all for free or purchase them at cost price! 🙂

PS If you like my writing and want to check out the only for-profit book I’ve written so far click here.

#movemeon book now available!

I’m delighted to announce that the #movemeon (e-)book is now available! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the contributors, but especially Stuart Ridout for his amazing help and design skills. 😀

The PDF is available for free download:

The book is available at cost price:

Badges to promote the book are at: (no need for CC attribution, etc.)

My #TMETRU09 presentation: #movemeon & CPD via Twitter


Above is my micropresentation and links for Sunday’s TeachMeet EdTechRoundUp edition 2009 (#TMETRU09). As far as I’m aware it’s the first fully-online TeachMeet to be held. As such, there will no doubt be hiccups! The whole thing is being streamed at
