Open Thinkering


Tag: integrity

How is as important as why.

Don’t ask me if everything’s alright with my meal if you’re not really bothered.

Don’t treat other people as means to be exploited towards a given end.

Don’t use artificial means when attempting a natural look.

Don’t smile with your mouth but not with your eyes.

Don’t deliver an anti-lecture tirade as a lecture.

Don’t focus on the trees and miss the wood.

Don’t campaign for awards.

Keep your integrity.

Wednesday Wisdom #19: Be a person of integrity

It’s easy to swim in the same direction as the rest of the fish or to follow the wishes of the mob. What takes integrity is making a stand, drawing a line in the sand, and clinging to integrity. 🙂

You can purchase an inexpensive copy of The Art of Worldly Wisdom book from Amazon or read it online for free via Google Books. The whole set of Wednesday Wisdom images can be found in my Creative Commons-licensed Flickr set.
