Open Thinkering


Tag: Drexel University

Weeknote 02/2014

This week I’ve been:

  • Returning to work after the Christmas break. I took an extra couple of days off so I didn’t have to return last Thursday.
  • Travelling to and from Orlando, FL for an NSF CE21 meeting on Computer Science. Mozilla is partnering with Drexel University on a grant around scaffolding computational literacy through tools like openHTML and Thimble.
  • Catching up with email.
  • Releasing v0.9 of my iterative ebook, The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies.
  • Writing about why I think this is the year we look beyond the ‘learn to code’ movement and focus on web literacy.
  • Scheduling lots of posts on Thought Shrapnel to be auto-tweeted (to make up for the time I wasn’t online while travelling)
  • Booking travel for a Webmaker work week at the beginning of February in Toronto.
  • Switching from using Evernote to using Simplenote.
  • Outlining my BETT presentations. I’m presenting on digital literacies to a higher education audience, and with Tim Riches on Open Badges to the school crowd.
  • Packing, packing packing. We haven’t yet got a moving date, but it’s likely to be in the next few weeks!

Next week is my only full week left living at our current house, I reckon. I’ve got so much to do (both Mozilla and non-Mozilla stuff) during that time it’s unreal.

Image CC BY-NC-SA Armando G Alonso
