Open Thinkering


An elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.2) [VIDEO]

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Last month I attempted an ‘elevator pitch’ for Open Badges.

I got some great feedback, including the fact that it was too long, the introduction rambled a bit, and some on-screen graphics would have been helpful.

The video above isn’t perfect by a long shot, but this afternoon I took the time to quickly shoot and then lightly edit my second attempt at explaining Open Badges to the world.

My colleague Carla Casilli has pointed out to me that different people in their different contexts require different explanations and metaphors. Still, it’s a useful process to refine my own ‘pitch’.

What do you think? How can I improve it?

4 thoughts on “An elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.2) [VIDEO]

  1. Hi Doug,

    I found this far easier to understand than the previous elevator pitch, although I have recently attended your G+ Hangout, so maybe that helped to clarify my understanding too.

    The simple text ‘callouts’ on the screen worked well IMO.

    I’m going to have a little explore and try and earn my first badge…..

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