Open Thinkering


A useful way to categorise educational technologies.

On p.189 of Lankshear & Knobel’s New Literacies: Everyday Practices & Classroom Learning (2006) they cite the work of Naismith, et al. who suggest plotting commonly-used educational technologies onto two axes: static-portable and shared-personal. What they neglect to include is a graphic, which would have made a lot more sense.

Let me help them:

Educational technology classified

Interestingly, schools seem to be fine with technology that fits into the bottom-left space, but not with the top-right. Why? :-s

5 thoughts on “A useful way to categorise educational technologies.

    1. Ah… perhaps should have explained more. It’s entirely subjective, of course, but I think that tablet PC’s tend to be used more for collaboration and to show and explain stuff than laptops. Your mileage, as they say, may vary…

  1. Love the graphic representation of the 2 axes of commonly used technology. Would like to use this in a report – with your pernmission.Have been trying to contact you for a telephone interview about some of the stuff you’ve been doing – do please contact me. Also just realised I’ve entered my email address incorrectly – should be [email protected]

  2. Isn’t it possibly because top right corner is private, frquently subversive, intimate, individually empowering and beyond the regulation of schools? And used for lots of things other than ‘education’? Also, it enables linguistic varieties (IMming) and other semiotic modalities that are frequently entirely beyond the comprehension of adults and other gatekeepers. Very threatening to control freaks, really.

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