Open Thinkering


A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.

Cluttered desk

My Dad was Deputy Head of the High School I attended. I remember him having on his (very untidy) desk something he had received as a gift. It was stuck to the desk and consisted of a triangular piece of wood with a brass plaque on it. The words inscribed simply said,

A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.

It’s always stuck with me. I remembered it the other day, so whipped up a banner in Publisher, got it laminated and have stuck it to the front of my teacher’s desk. Ironically, the above picture was taken at the beginning of a new term when my desk is actually at its tidiest… 😉

6 thoughts on “A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.

  1. I agree with you and your dad. A tidy desk says to me the person owning it has way too much time to do unimportant things, like cleaning up and sorting piles on the desk. My desk would probably do your dad proud but I can always find what I need; I have an intimate relationship with everything on it. Nice to be in the “Genius Class” instead of “Sloppy, Messy Class”.

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